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Urban Freight Lab will help UPS evaluate its new e-bike delivery service in Seattle

Published on November 21, 2018

UPS cargo e-bike in Hamburg
UPS cargo e-bike in Hamburg Image Credit: CC by SA 4.0: Wikimedia commons:

Seattle is one of the most congested cities in America, in part due to delivery trucks taking up space on crowded streets.

One solution could be for companies to make deliveries using bicycles instead. UPS announced today that it will be pilot-testing deliveries with cargo e-bikes in downtown Seattle. This test is expected to last a year, and the University of Washington’s Urban Freight Lab at the Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics Center will help UPS evaluate the study’s outcomes.

“We are excited to play a role in this innovative approach in an effort to reduce traffic congestion in Seattle,” said Anne Goodchild, the director of the center and a UW professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.


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Originally posted on UW News by Sarah McQuate
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