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News | June 27, 2022

Seattle’s history of Black language: African American English, code-switching and why it matters today

“Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ’Round” is a crowd favorite for the Northwest African American Museum’s African American Choir Ensemble. Based on the spiritual “Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You ’Round,” the song is a civil rights anthem with lyrics that reflect a piece of the Black experience: “Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me…

Course | ANTH 433 / LING 433

Sociolinguistics II

Examines field methods linguists use in socially oriented studies of language variation and change. Includes language attitudes, study of urban dialects, syntactic variation, sampling and interview design. Discussion of issues related to recording, ethics, and analysis of large bodies of data.

News | August 31, 2020

Terms in Seattle-area rental ads reinforce neighborhood segregation, study says

A new University of Washington study of thousands of local rental ads finds a pattern of “racialized language” that can perpetuate neighborhood segregation, using specific terms to describe apartments in different areas of town. Terms like “convenient” and “safe and secure” are more common in neighborhoods with a greater proportion of people of color, while…

Course | SPAN 479

The City and Latin American Literature: Points of Departure

Representations of Latin American, United States, and European cities by Latin American authors, and of Latin American and Latino cities by authors from other literary traditions. The literary relation of urbanization to modernization, globalization, exile, and alienation.

Course | LING 533

Topics and Methods in Sociolinguistic Theory

Examines field methods linguists use in socially oriented studies of language variation and change. Includes language attitudes, study of urban dialects, syntactic variation, sampling and interview design. Discussion of issues related to recording, ethics, and analysis of large bodies of data.