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Urban Courses @ UW

This is a representative sample of the broad array of courses across UW that touch on city issues. If you have a NetID you may view all of the current courses on UW MyPlan. If you would like us to include your urban related course on this page, please contact us at

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Title Course Affiliations Description
Advanced African American Studies in Social Science AFRAM 405 Advanced study of racial formation, Black cultural production, and resistance among people of African descent throughout the Diaspora. Social science theories and methods used to examine various topics, including social scientific analysis of political history; social movements; intellectual traditions; theory; and intersections with urban, digital and legal studies; race, science, and biopolitics; public health and environmental studies.
Advanced Applications of GIS T GIS 414 Applies GIS techniques through case studies of social, economic, and environmental issues in the Puget Sound region. Introduces new techniques in basic programming for GIS, using ArcGIS ModelBuilder, and the advanced use of GPS devices.
Advanced Housing Studies R E 466/565 Advanced survey of housing. Students select a housing-related topic that serves as the basis of a quarter-long project. Also, students read key texts and articles on a range of housing-related topics and participate in seminar discussions on these readings.
Advanced Urban Geography GEOG 477 Geographic patterns and social processes within metropolitan areas. Canvases current research topics, methods, and theoretical debates in urban geography. Issues covered range across urban economic, political, and cultural geography.
Affordable Housing R E 464/564 Introduction to the field of affordable housing. Addresses policy issues inherent in planning, finance, design, construction, and management of affordable housing in the United States. Role of federal, state, local, non-profit, and private sector agencies and participants.
African American Political Thought AFRAM 370 Political ideologies and philosophies of pivotal African American historical figures and the conditions under which these ideologies are developed, rejected, and transformed. How ideologies relate to solution of African American political problems.
African American Politics AFRAM 246 / POL S 246 Survey of African Americans within the U.S. socio-political processes. Situates African Americans within a post-civil rights context where there is debate about race's centrality to an African American politics.
African American Urban History: 1700-2000 HSTAA 540 Examines the growth and evolution of African-American urban communities from the colonial era to the present, with particular emphasis on cities of the West.
African Americans in the American West HSTAA 313 Explores pre-1848 Spanish-speaking black settlers, slavery, post-civil war migration, buffalo soldiers. 19th and 20th century black urban settlers, World War II migration, the civil rights movement in the West, the interaction of African Americans with other people of color. Particular focus on Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.
Agriculture and Urban Food Systems Seminar ENVIR 389
    Explores agriculture and urban food production through the perspectives of farmers, researchers, and food system professionals. Investigates urban agriculture, ecological impacts of urban food systems, and the ways that urban food production can improve the resilience of cities and food systems. Seminar format varies including hands-on experience at the UW Farm, conversations with leading experts in the field, and dynamic dialogue with peers.
    Air Pollution: From Urban Smog to the Ozone Hole ATM S 212 This course is an introduction to air pollution on local, regional, and global scales. We will focus on the sources, transformation, and dispersion of pollutants responsible for urban smog, acid rain, climate change and the stratospheric ozone hole. We will examine the health and environmental effects of air pollutants, as well as current (or potential) technological solutions and international policy regulations.
    Air Resources Management CEWA 557 Technical, administrative, and legal aspects of air conservation. Topics include urban and regional scale air quality measurement and modeling systems, receptor modeling based on chemical fingerprinting of sources and current case studies involving engineering analysis, air-quality modeling, and regulatory aspects at local, state, and federal governmental levels.
    Air-Pollution Control ENVH 461 / CEE 490 Fundamental concepts of air pollution Control including emission sources, atmospheric dispersion, ambient concentrations, and emission standards, with emphasis on processes and equipment for controlling emissions.
    Amazing Infrastructure, its Impacts and the Roles of Civil and Environmental Engineers CEE 101 This seminar course will cover an overview of world infrastructure and the roles for civil and environmental engineers perform in planning, design and construction.
    American Architecture through an Ecological Lens ART H 390 Introduction to the history of American architecture and urbanism as seen from an ecological perspective, from the time of indigenous inhabitants to the present.
    American Art and Architecture BIS 383 Explores major trends in American art comprising of painting, sculpture, architecture, urban design, and the decorative arts from 1600 to present.
    American Indians and the Environment AIS 308 / ENVIR 308 / HSTAA 308 Examines the historical relationships American Indians have possessed with local environments, with special attention to the ways these peoples have adapted to altered environments and new conditions, including migrations, involvement with markets of exchange, overhunting, dispossession, conservation, and mainstream environmentalism.
    American Indians and the Law AIS 335 History of laws governing American Indians: aboriginal law systems, U. S. laws, and contemporary tribal laws. Effects of laws and legal institutions on contemporary Indian identity and tribal status, self-government, land ownership and use, natural resources, religion, family life, cultural and spiritual practices, crimes and punishment, and federal responsibilities for Indians.
    American Internment and Incarceration: Race, Discrimination, and Power AAS 372 Explores the racial animus, failure of political leadership, and war hysteria in WW II that resulted in Japanese Americans incarcerated into American concentration camps. Conceptually different internment camps held thousands of Japanese, German, and Italian alien nationals. Topics include why, how, past and present concerns.
    American Urban History HSTAA 508, URBDP 565 Intensive lecture/seminar designed to provide students the opportunity for immersion in historical scholarship that addresses social, economic, political, technological, and cultural forces that have shaped the development of American cities.
    American Urban History URBDP 565 Intensive lecture/seminar designed to provide students the opportunity for immersion in historical scholarship that addresses social, economic, political, technological, and cultural forces that have shaped the development of American cities.
    American Urban History Since 1870 HSTAA 426 Development of American cities for the past century. Topics include physical development, immigration, politics, and changes in society and culture.
    Anthropology in Urban Settings ANTH 427 Cross-cultural examination of theoretical issues in anthropology as studied in urban places. Focuses on ethnic identity and the formation of urban ethnic groups; migration and its rural and urban consequences; family and kinship organization as an adaptation to urban complexity; the nature of urban voluntary associations; law and politics; and the developments in anthropological method.
    Anthropology of Development ENVIR 371, ANTH 371 Development refers to social, economic, cultural, political transformations viewed as progress. Studied from anthropological perspectives. Historical, social context for emergence of ideas of development. Role of development in promoting national cultures. Impact of development on individual citizenship, families, rural-urban relations, workers, business, environment.
    Anthropology of Disability ANTH 376 Introduces anthropological perspectives on disability. Considers disability as produced through the interaction of bodily impairments with social structures, political economies, cultural norms and values, individual and group identities, institutional orders, medical practices, assistive technologies, and other factors. Considers ethnographic studies of disability in international as well as U.S. settings.
    Anthropology of Place ANTH 540 Explores a variety of ways that "place" has been studied and theorized. Attention paid to places as they are sensed, inscribed, practiced, narrated, scripted, created, and reclaimed. "Place" also discussed in relation to issues of the environment, travel, diaspora, race, class, and gender.
    Antiracism in Action for Health Professionals UCONJ 647 Provides health sciences students opportunity to reflect and build skills necessary to become an anti-racist health care professional. Examines racism at the individual, institutional and societal level, and provides opportunities for a diverse group of health professions to share ideas and perspectives about collective action.
    Applied Geo Spatial Analysis IPM 504 Provides the theoretical and practical skills needed to use a Geographic Information System (GIS) for analyzing spatial phenomena on the urban and regional scale. Focuses on principles and methods of spatial analysis and their application to strategic planning, risk management, and hazard mitigation.
    Architectural Integration Studio I ARCH 502 The studio is structured as a first integrated design studio experience. It builds upon the first two quarters through integrating structural systems, building assemblies and environmental responses with broader design concerns. Through exploring a project in an urban context, the studio focuses on themes of community and society. The studio work is closely coordinated with parallel Design Technology and Materials and Assemblies classes. Prerequisite: ARCH 501 Credit/no-credit only.
    Architectural Integration Studio II ARCH 503 The first of a two-quarter sequence structured for the development of integrative design skills. Studio problems explore the relationship between building, the public realm and place-making in an urban context and develop a building design as part of larger urban systems related to energy, ecology and mobility. The fall studio work is closely coordinated with parallel Design Technology, Urban Issues and Contemporary Theory classes. Prerequisite: ARCH 502 Credit/no-credit only.
    Architectural Integration Studio III ARCH 504 The second of a two-quarter sequence structured for the development of integrative design skills. Studio problems explore the relationship between building, the public realm and place-making in an urban context and develop a building design as part of larger urban systems related to energy, ecology and mobility. The winter studio work is closely coordinated with parallel Design Technology, Site Ecology and Materials and Assemblies classes. Prerequisite: ARCH 503 Credit/no-credit only.
    Architectural Photography Projects ARCH 413 Students develop in-depth photo essays relating to architecture, the urban movement, or landscape design. Lectures, seminar, and discussion.
    Architectural Studies Abroad – Culture ARCH 494 Studies of language, art, food, music, and other activities that influence architectural and urban form in contexts outside the United States.
    Architectural Studies Abroad – Urban Fieldwork ARCH 496 Analysis and interpretation of urban form and architectural contexts through direct observation in locations outside the United States.
    Architecture Since 1945 ART H 493 / ARCH 459 Theories and forms in architecture from the end of World War II to present. Includes new wave Japanese architects, recent Native American developments, and non-Western as well as Western trends.
    Art and Seattle ART H 420
      Revolving topics. Looks closely at a rotating selection of artists, movements, and collections that have shaped and been shaped by the city of Seattle.
      Art, Culture, and History of the Eternal City TIBCIN 452 Uses Rome as a laboratory to understand the role of art, history, and urbanism in the development of Western culture. Addresses the many facets of the cultural development of Rome and Italy, including geography, history, urban design, art, and architecture. Research-based and includes extensive fieldwork.
      Art, Culture, And History Of The Eternal City T HIST 452 Uses Rome as a laboratory to understand the role of art, history, and urbanism in the development of Western culture. Addresses the many facets of the cultural development of Rome and Italy, including geography, history, urban design, art, and architecture. Research-based and includes extensive fieldwork.
      Asian American and Pacific Islander American Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture AAS 210
        Examines the interdisciplinary nature of Asian American and Pacific Islander American identity. Explores influences and manifestations of Asian and Pacific Islander ethnic identity, using literature, history, and social sciences. Topics include gender issues, socio-economic class, and mixed heritage in the United States.
        Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans: Race, Law, and Justice AAS 385 Explores relationship of race, law, and justice in history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. Examines how challenges and resistance to racial discrimination, inequality, and colonialism transformed our political and legal justice system. Issues include citizenship, immigration, sovereignty, gender, civil liberties, national security, work, property, language, education, and marriage.
        Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the Pacific Northwest AAS 310 Examines the history and lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander communities in the Pacific Northwest from the eighteenth century. Topics include immigration, labor, gender, community building, challenges to racial discrimination and inequities, and activism to achieve social justice. Emphasizes Washington/Seattle with discussion of Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia.
        Atmospheric Chemistry ATM S 558 Photochemistry of urban, rural, and marine tropospheric air, and of the natural and perturbed ozone in the middle atmosphere. Unity of the chemistries in these apparently different regimes.
        Best Practices in Sustainable Real Estate R E 518 Analyzes, at a macro level, the importance of sustainability in urban areas introducing best practices for various environmentally friendly and financially feasible interventions in the US and abroad. At a micro level focuses on adoption of environment5ally friendly improvements at building level with various pay-back periods but long-lasting economic benefits.
        Big City Politics POL S 481 Contemporary big city politics, focusing on Seattle and the largest twenty-five cities. Social, economic, and political trends that have shaped characteristics of large American cities. Distribution and use of economic and political power among parties and groups. Future of large cities and politics of change.
        Black Feminist Geographies GWSS 332 / GEOG 332 Stereotypes about blackness, gender, and sexuality are enmeshed with how we think, feel, and move about the landscapes we move through - and black people are often seen threatening presences that "need" to be policed, contained, and completely erased. This course considers how black feminist approaches to geographic space reveal ways that these restrictive understandings of blackness, gender, and sexuality are refused and redefined.
        Black Identities and Political Power AFRAM 315 Relates the deployment of political power within institutions to shifting racial identities. Shows how racial identities both reflect and inflect relations of domination and resistance within and between cultures in the black diaspora.
        Black Lives and Police Violence: Racism and the Public’s Health HSERV 479 The effects of racism on health are profound and multi-dimensional. Critically analyzes theories of human behavior in relation to epidemiological concepts of race, against the backdrop of the current Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.
        Central Middle Ages HSTAM 332 Europe in the central Middle Ages: culture of cathedrals and universities, formation of national states, development of urban society.
        Chicanas: Gender and Race Issues CHSTU 256 Contemporary issues in the Chicana movement since the 1940s. Issues range from feminism and Chicana political, educational, and social organizations, to work, family, health, and the arts.
        Cities and Belonging T URB 316 Addresses inequality in urban spaces through the concept of belonging and ideas about cultural belonging and legitimacy. While the course is traditional in its concern with urban poverty, race, ethnicity, and immigration, it offers a vocabulary of citizenship and rights to investigate urban inequalities and how various populations experience them.
        Cities and the Constitution T URB 420 Examines Constitutional rights to freedom of expression in public institutions and public places of cities. Considers rights to freedom of expression as they exist in a variety of forums -- streets and parks, schools, shopping malls, university sporting events, and property surrounding prisons. Analyzes interactions among rights and community interests.
        Cities in China: Past and Present HSTAS 460 / SISEA 46 Economic, political, social, and cultural functions of the city in modern Chinese history. Changes in China's urban system. The city as cultural center and focus of literary and cinematic representation. Attention to architecture, commerce, urbanization, the role of capital cities in the power of the state.
        Cities of East Asia: Geography and Development GEOG 438 Examines urban development in East Asia from a geographic and comparative perspective focusing on issues in development, and the interaction of geography, history, politics, and economics. Major topics include economic development and urbanization; regions and urban systems; migration; urban social and spatial structures; globalization and governance.
        Cities, Health, and Well-being B E 220 This course analyzes the ways urban built environments bear on physical and mental health and well-being (material-economic resources, security, social relations, open choices). It focuses on how the practices and knowledge of built environment professions and disciplines interact with public health, engineering, and the sciences to understand and change cities.
        City Worlds T URB 330 Examines world urbanization and the shifting geographies associated with economic restructuring and globalization. Ethnicity, gender, urban form, local governance strategies, and resistance to those strategies are considered. Includes examples from cities in both the developed and developing world.
        Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States AFRAM 334 / HSTAA 334 Examines the politics and culture of the modern African American freedom struggle, which began after WWII and continued into the 1970s. Interrogates political strategies associated with nonviolent direct action, armed self-reliance, and black nationalism, as well as the cultural expression that reflect these political currents.
        Class and Culture in America ANTH 207 Anthropological view of the contemporary United States with emphasis on social class. Through ethnographic readings examines education, work, political economy, working class experience and the ideology of the middle class, and relations between class and race, gender, ethnicity, language, place, sexuality, and culture.
        Class, Labor, and American Capitalism HSTAA 353 The history of workers and class formation form early industrialization to the present. Emphasizes the interaction of class with race, ethnicity, gender, and political culture within the context of American economic development. Explores the role of unions, labor politics, and radical movements.
        Climate Change within the Urban Context T URB 326 Provides an understanding of the nexus of urbanization and climate change. Covers international standards, the urban carbon footprint, and mitigation strategies such as urban forests, urban agriculture, green buildings, and sustainable transportation. Also considers justice and climate change adaptation.
        Community Air Pollution ENVH 448 Offers a comprehensive overview of community air pollution including: air pollution sources, chemistry, and meteorology; human health and environmental effects; global warming; air quality standards, monitoring, control, and management; indoor air; and local air quality management.
        Community Development T URB 235 Examines theories, polices, and practice of community change and development in American cities. Explores ways to assess community conditions, the contributions of various community institutions, impacts of regional, national, and global political economies, community-oriented development strategies, and methods to evaluate community development initiatives.
        Community Economic Development PUBPOL 566 Explores the relationship between local community economic development, environmental sustainability, cultural vitality, and trend in regional and national economics, with specific focus on how to make community and economic investments that yield development outcomes that contribute to economic, equitable, environmental, and cultural vitality.
        Community Engagement and Urban Governance PUBPOL 567 Investigates interactions between citizen participation and efforts to measure and improve policy and program performance in large cities. Develops analytic frameworks and practical strategies for sustaining and enhancing participation and performance.
        Community Health Assessment HSERV 345 Introduces role of assessment in planning for community health improvement through health promotion activities. Considers determinants of health; methods to find, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data; interpret findings to describe the health resources, risks, and outcomes; role of assessment in identifying health disparities and patterns of health inequities.
        Community Nutrition B HLTH 220 Investigates the role of nutrition in promoting, maintain, and improving health in the community. Students study the role of various indicators of a healthy community; social determinants of health, legislation, food access, and community design. Students outreach with local nutrition and wellness partners.
        Community Resilience URBDP 596 Introduction to resilience thinking. Students apply resilience concepts to real world communities and infrastructures impacted by real events, and gain practice in supporting policies, programs, and projects that enhance overall resilience.
        Community-Focused Urban Health FAMED 527
          Interprofessional approaches to improving health for medically underserved urban communities.
          Comparative Ethnicity and Nationalism HSTCMP 504
            Theoretical approaches to, and historical case studies of, the phenomena of ethnicity, nationalism, and ethnic conflict in the modern world. Emphasis on Europe and Asia
            Comparative Urban Politics BIS 426 Compares processes of urban governance and the politics of central-local relations in various advanced industrial societies. Analyzes urban public policies and the distributions and effects of political and economic power in selected cities are analyzed. Draws contrasts with Third World cities and explores global processes of urbanization.
            Comprehensive Planning and Implementation URBDP 501 Reviews the comprehensive planning process as a part of managing metropolitan growth. Examines federal/state statutes affecting local government comprehensive plans. Includes local government land use regulations and reviews development process. Concentrates on tools to shape land use and development patterns and their effectiveness in creating outcomes specified in comprehensive plans.
            Contemporary Development Issues in Latin America GEOG 430 Contemporary development issues in Latin America, seen from a spatial perspective. Concept of development; competing theories as related to various Latin American states. Economic structural transformation, migration, urbanization, regional inequality, and related policies.
            Contemporary European Migration GEOG 303, JSIS A 304 Provides a theoretical and empirical understanding of contemporary migration processes and patterns in Europe. Introduces the different migration regimes and integration practices of selected European states. Analyzes the impact of globalization, the ever-changing role of the European Union, and the importance of international, national, and urban policy on immigrant lives.
            Contemporary Society in the People’s Republic of China JSIS A 464, SOC 464 Separate development of rural and urban social institutions in the People's Republic of China since 1949 from a sociological perspective. Family and marriage, social control, educational institutions. Dilemmas of contemporary China and reasons for institutional change.
            COPHP Population Health and Community Development HSERV 531 Population Health considers social and other factors that determine health. The course challenges dominate views of health. We compare health in the United States with other countries. In Community Development, we learn asset-based community engagement. Students work directly with community members, advocates, and service organizations to address health issues.
            Creating The Urban Narrative T URB 470 Dissects the axiom "history is written by the winner". Examines how cities' narratives are created, sustained, and reinvented. Focuses on the assumptions and accepted histories of institutions, issues, conflicts, and cultures and their interconnectivity - through exposure to diverse tools used to create urban narratives.
            Critical Theory and GIS Practicum T GIS 415 Explores the foundational debates that have impacted the evolution of geospatial software, technique, and methodology.
            Critiques of Contemporary Capitalism ANTH 463 Karl Marx inaugurated radical reworkings of both social theory and political action. Begins with some of his seminal writings, then considers the Frankfurt School, British labor theory, and postcolonial theory. Uses these readings to understand economy and subjectivity produced through the aporias of late capitalism.
            Cultural Aspects of International Development ANTH 541 Emergence of development as an aspect of late colonialism and the decolonization process. Ways in which development came to visualize social change in sectoral terms like rural land use, cities, and education, while objectifying people in target groups. Relationships between development and modernity, and development and globalization.
            Cultural Diversity and Justice SOC WF 404 History and culture of disadvantaged and oppressed groups served by social welfare generalist practitioners.
            Cultural Interactions in an Interdependent World JSIS 202 Introduces a critical approach to governance, violence, and development. Students will learn key concepts of cultural theory to understand how the world is socially constructed. Learning how to use interpretive methods, students will acquire new understandings of the varied approaches through which social scientists confront global challenges.
            Culture and Rights: Exploring the Meaning and Practice of Human Rights ANTH 150 Examines social justice issues with the aim of obtaining deeper understanding of human rights. Analyzes historical and theoretical foundations and introduces international and regional institutions designed to implement and enforce human rights. Case studies in sovereignty, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide, torture, truth commissions, and forgiveness.
            Cultures and Politics of Environmental Justice AES 487 / ANTH 487 Comparative survey of environmental justice movements in the world with focus on critical studies of environmental racism, risk, and sustainable development. Provides theoretical knowledge and research methods incorporating the study of equity and autonomy in environmental impact and risk assessment and other aspects of environmental policy politics.
            Cultures of Global Capital ANTH 280 Designed to introduce students to the study of cross-border phenomenon including global capital, migration, international philanthropy, and terrorism from an anthropological perspective. Introduces theories of globalization and the approaches anthropologists have taken in studying patterns of movement and circulation.
            Current Issues in Restoration Ecology and Environmental Horticulture SEFS 503 Critical evaluation and discussion of published research in urban horticulture and restoration. Students and faculty present and discuss research methods and questions from current literature.
            Current Topics in Transportation Planning and Policy URBDP 532 Provides an opportunity to advance the student's knowledge by examining selected topics in depth and gaining critical insights about the interconnectivity of various planning and policy approaches. Gives a broad exposure to urban transportation problems and introduces different ideas and practices aimed at addressing these problems, along with important concepts and analytical frameworks
            Dark Empire: Race, Health, and British Society – Abroad HSERV 488 Explores factors responsible for the well-being and health of black and other racial/ethnic minorities in Britain. Addresses: the National Health Service; ethnic diaspora, anti-immigration laws; urban riots; inequality, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalism and Islamophobia. Conducted in Britain.
            Data And The City T URB 305 Studies the intersection of data and everyday urban life. Prepares students to understand what is and is not captured in data and how said data come to represent themselves and their communities.
            Democracy, Citizenship, and Participation in the City URBDP 567 Graduate seminar on democracy in cities. Focuses on contemporary ideas, debates, and initiatives.
            Democracy, Citizenship, and Participation in the City Course URBDP 567
              Graduate seminar on democracy in cities. Focuses on contemporary ideas, debates, and initiatives.
              Demographic Studies of Stratification SOC 569 Overview of development of models of socioeconomic achievement ("status attainment" paradigm) in the field of stratification. Begins with work of Blau and Duncan. Covers elaboration of basic models to include race and ethnicity, social psychological variables, class, school and labor market effects, and other structural variables.
              Demography and Ecology SOC 513 / CSDE 513 Theories and research on human fertility, mortality, mobility, migration, and urbanization in social/economic context. Comparative and historical materials on Europe, the United States, and the Third World.
              Design of Cities L ARCH 362 Introduction to the discourses and debates in the contemporary design of cities. Provides an overview of design theories and examples of historic and contemporary work. Includes discussion of the contesting urban processes: visions and paradigms of city; discourses of nature and the city; contemporary urban changes; public and community process; and everyday place making.
              Designing High Performance Landscapes L ARCH 482 Looks at ways to design ' high performance landscapes' that integrate ecological realities and urban infrastructural needs while expressing an aesthetic of performance. From site analysis to final design, provides hands-on experience in creating green infrastructure assets in the urban environment.
              Designing with Living Systems ARCH 536 Investigates an integrated approach to urban agriculture and building systems; looks at cyclical ecosystems intrinsically interconnected with buildings, urban infrastructure, and the constructed environment; establishes a thorough understanding of these productive, living systems, which are indispensable for architects and landscape architects in their pursuit of more sustainable design practices.
              Development and Challenge in China GEOG 336 Examines the geography of China's development since 1949. Introduces China's physical geography, history, and economic and political system. Emphasizes China's uneven development in agriculture, population, industry, and trade. Also examines problems China faces in meeting its internal food demand, as well as the external processes of globalization.
              Digital Cities T URB 211 Examines the impact that information technology has had on the spatial form and socio-economic processes of contemporary metropolitan areas. Covers the information economy; the digital divide; and placemaking applications of mobile technology.
              Digital Design Practicum CEP 473 / URBDP 573 Uses digital technologies for mapping, drafting, modeling, and communication. Includes real-world case study projects that focus on urban design and planning issues.
              Diversity and Segregation in Cities GEOG 479 Explores segregation and diversity within cities in the United States and elsewhere. Topics include the history of segregation; the measurement and dynamics of segregation and diversity; explanations for change in segregation and diversity in neighborhoods; and the effects of neighborhood segregation and diversity on social and economic outcomes for residents.
              Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U.S. Asylum and Refugee Law ANTH 497 / LSJ 425 Examines the creation, production, and proliferation of law and legal categories relating to the status of refugees and asylum-seekers in the United States. Integrates anthropological perspectives of law's ability to create meaning in the examination of deeper implications of asylum and refugee law in American society.
              Ecological Design and Planning L ARCH 363 Introduction to landscape ecological theory applied to urban environments. Comparison of different vocabularies used to describe landscape structure and function, from the fields of landscape design, urban design, and biology. Discussion of design theories that have sought to re-center landscape planning and design around the goal of achieving ecological sustainability.
              Ecological Design and Planning L ARCH 563 Explores the contemporary theory supporting the practice of ecological design and planning. Examines the potential relationships between ecological theory and design applications, particularly in urban environments. Topics are supported by a diverse collection of examples and case studies.
              Economic and Social History of Japan to 1900 HSTAS 541 Analyses of landholding systems, the rise of commerce, demographic changes, urbanization, early industrialization, and social change.
              Economic Geography GEOG 207 The changing locations and spatial patterns of economic activity, including: production in agriculture, manufacturing, and services; spatial economic principles of trade, transportation, communications, and corporate organization; regional economic development, and the diffusion of technological innovation.
              Ecopsychology ESRM 431 / ENVIR 431 / PSYCH 431 Explores psychology of the human relationship with nature. Critically examines how ecopsychology can impact urban sustainability, human health, environmental education, and the design of new technologies. Specific topics include evolutionary psychology; human-animal interaction; biophillia; children and nature; indigenous cultures; and ecotherapy.
              Emergency Preparedness for Health Professionals UCONJ 545 Introduces the roles of health professionals in preparing for community-wide disasters. Emergency preparedness content for graduate and professional students in health sciences. First of two interdisciplinary courses focusing on "all-hazards" preparedness.
              Engineering with Developing Communities CEE 420 Introduces key technologies, theories, and challenges of infrastructure design for development. Covers technologies for energy, water, sanitation, and disaster response in low-resource contexts. Explores development theory and cross-cultural communication as they pertain to global infrastructure design.
              English Literature: Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century ENGL 327 Examines the impact of historical changes including urban growth and imperial expansion on print culture through selections of poetry, prose, and drama from authors such as Aphra Behn, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, and Jonathan Swift.
              English Literature: The Age of Victoria ENGL 335 Examines literary works from Victorian Britain and its empire (1837-1901), paired with contemporary social, scientific, and historical developments such as industrialization; urbanization; child labor; imperial expansion; scientific ideas of evolution and geologic time; changing ideas of gender/sexuality; mass education and mass literacy; and the popularization of print media.
              Environmental Change in Washington State BIS 395 Examines issues in science, society, technology, and policy that impact the future of natural ecosystems and their relationship to human communities in Washington State. Issues include climate change, urban sprawl, environmental policies, management of natural resources, and loss of agricultural lands.
              Environmental History of the U.S. ENVIR 221, HSTAA 221 Surveys the relationship between nature and human history, including the impact of the non-human environment on American history and the environmental effects of colonization, urbanization, and consumerism; the cultural construction of nature in different eras and its social implications; the sources and limits of modern environmental politics.
              Environmental History: Water TEST 221 Examines the historical relationship between water and fire, irrigation, grazing, mining, deforestation, and urbanization upon the regional and global environment. Using case histories based on water, emphasizes the sources and methods historians use to study environmental change over time.
              Environmental Justice AES 211 / ANTH 211 / ENVIR 211 Examines introductory studies of environmental racism and ecological injustice in the United States and select areas of the world. Reviews environmental justice theories and methods applied to risk science, ecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Includes comparative studies of social movements for "eco-justice."
              Environmental Pedagogy ENVIR 440 Introduces the art of teaching in non-traditional settings. Designed to help students become effective environmental educators such as park naturalists, interpretive guides, or urban garden educators. Students learn pedagogical philosophy and gain stills to become more effective environmental educators.
              Environmental Planning and Permitting in Practice ENVIR 485 / ESRM 485 Advanced survey of environmental planning and permitting as encountered by environmental and natural resource professionals in Washington State and beyond. Focuses on Washington State acts (SEPA, SMA, GMA) and Federal systems (NEPA, CWA ESA) that shape environmental land use planning and federal planning and permitting systems
              Environmental Politics and Policy in the United States POL S 383 Interrelation between technological and environmental change and policy formation. Consideration of political behavior related to these phenomena and the capacity of urban public organizations to predict change and to formulate policies that can take future states into account.
              Ethnicity and the Urban Landscape TIAS 443 Focuses on the intersection of ethnicity, architecture, and urbanism in the United States. Explores the concept of ethnic identity and the creation of a sense of place in urban environments. Examines local neighborhoods as a starting point for students' own investigations of ethnicity and the urban landscape.
              Ethnicity, Business, Unions, and Society AES 361 / SOC 363 Interrelationships of ethnicity, business, unions, and the larger society. Examines financial and sociological structure of business and manufacturing sector, how this sector performs, and consequences of performance for selected ethnic groups in United States.
              Evaluation in Urban Planning URBDP 525 Methods and techniques for a priori assessment of physical improvement plans, program designs, public policies. Includes cost effectiveness and matrix or goal achievement, as well as more conventional cost-benefit and cost-revenue forms of analysis. Emphasis on understanding the reasoning and issues in evaluation, and gaining a working competence in at least one of the methods treated.
              Expedition Seattle BCULTS/BPOLST 593 Expedition Seattle proceeds from the basic premise that we can learn a lot by simply picking a delimited urban space and researching it intensely from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. The goal is to mount a quarter long intellectual exploration of such an urban space—an “expedition”, explicitly framed as an exploration of urban cultural spaces and processes that we are already a part of rather than an exploration of others that are distant from us.
              Exploring American Culture: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration BISAES 367 Examines how contested discourses of racial, ethnic, and national difference have shaped ideas about citizenship and "American" identities. Focuses on the relationship between these discourses and social, economic, and political practices and policies. Stresses diverse interpretive approaches within American Studies.
              Exploring Cities: An Introduction to Urban Studies T URB 101 Introduction to the multi-disciplinary field of Urban Studies. Exposes the complexity of everyday life in metropolitan areas. Explores how the various disciplines of sociology, anthropology, geography, economies, and political science have studies and made sense of cities. Special attention given to issues of class, race, and gender.
              Exploring Sociocultural Anthropology ANTH 101 Introduces perspectives from sociocultural anthropology on the diversity and the dynamics of collective human life. Examines how individual lives are shaped by broader social and cultural contexts, how people make meaning, and how power relations work. Introduces ethnography as a method for documenting and understanding social and cultural life.
              Fashion Systems: Europe-Asia ART H 211 / JSIS A 211 Introduces the historical development of fashion systems in early modern and modern Europe and Asia. Explores topics including: Fashioning the Body; Gender and Fashion; Fashion as Conspicuous Consumption; Fashion as Urban Spectacle; the Politics of Fashion.
              Field Research: The Seattle Region GEOG 490 Field methods for contemporary urban research. Survey designs used in the analysis of transportation, land use, location of employment, shopping and housing, political fragmentation, and environmental degradation. Field report required, based on field work in the Seattle region.
              Floodplain Management and Planning for Coastal and River Communities URBDP 526 Focuses on ways to live with and cope with flooding.Examines coastal and riverine floodplain services, values and assets within the context of ecosystem services; determine risks and opportunities associated with flooding and floodplains; advance identified strategies and explore benefits and adverse impacts resulting from these strategies; and gain a better appreciation for coastal and riverine floodplains.
              Food and Community: Cultural Practices in the Hispanic World GEOG 373 / JEW ST 362 / SPAN 362 Intersections of food and community in Hispanic cultures. Past and present practices. Food and material culture, urban design, foodways and gender roles, food and race, diet and hygiene, religious, and civic celebrations, and food preparation techniques.
              Food and Society: Exploring Eating Behaviors in a Social, Environmental, and Policy Context NUTR 513 Socio-cultural, environmental, and policy factors interact with biological and psychological characteristics to influence the foods we eat, and when, where, and how we eat them. Uses contemporary readings, films, and critical discussion to explore these macro-scale influences on food, nutrition, and eating behavior.
              Food Sovereignty Movements in Mexico and the United States CHSTU 320 Interdisciplinary study of agrifood systems and food sovereignty movements in Mexico and Mexican-origin communities in the United States. Uses the methods and materials of ethnography, agroecology, and political ecology in concert with environmental history, rural sociology, deconstructive discourse analysis, eco-criticism, and predictive ecology.
              Food Systems: Individual to Population Health NUTR 303 Examines the food environment in the local community from the public health perspective. Explores where people get their food, what influences this decision, and various aspects of the local food movement, including access to healthy food, urban agriculture, farmers markets, and other public health nutrition initiatives. Includes a weekly discussion section.
              Foundations of Social Policy PUBPOL 570 Examines major institutions and programs in social policy including: income maintenance, social services, education, and healthcare. Focuses on American social policy with some attention to comparative welfare state development. Includes extensive discussion of different policy strategies to address social policy problems.
              Gender and Architecture ARCH 466, GWSS 466 Examines gender in the experience, practice, and theory of architecture and urban space with a focus on modern typologies: skyscraper, home, convent, bachelor pad, street, and closet. Draws from architectural and art history, social studies, design practice and theory, comparative literature, film studies, and queer theory.
              Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process GWSS 333 / JSIS B 333 Theoretical, historical, and empirical analysis of how current processes of globalization are transforming the actual conditions of women's lives, labor, gender ideologies, and politics in complex and contradictory ways. Topics include feminist exploration of colonialism, capitalism, economic restructuring policies, resistance in consumer and environmental movements.
              Gender and the Urban Landscape T URB 314 Examines linkages between cultural, physical, and symbolic urban landscapes and gender ideologies, structures, and practices. Major themes from gender and urban studies include domestic/public divisions, sexuality and city spaces, consumption, and urban design. Emphasizes integration of theoretical positions and ideas into students' work.
              Gender, Race, and Class in Social Stratification AES 322 / GWSS 300 The intersection of race, class, and gender in the lives of women of color in the United States from historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics include racism, classism, sexism, activism, sexuality, and inter-racial dynamics between women of color groups.
              Gender, Race, and the Geography of Employment GEOG 439 Focuses on the geography of employment for men and women of different racial and ethnic backgrounds in American cities. Presents evidence on labor market inequality for different groups and explanations of these differences. Emphasizes the importance of a spatial perspective in understanding employment outcomes for women and minorities.
              General Urban Planning Laboratory URBDP 507 Studio/field project in applied professional planning of a comprehensive nature, utilizing a local study area to examine the realities of problem solving in situations of functional and normative conflict. Integration of analysis, programming, implementation, and presentation phases of the planning process.
              Gentrification, Displacement, and Housing Justice Course GEOG 479
                Explores contexts of housing injustice, racial banishment, and gentrification in cities locally and globally. Studies phenomena such as evictions, root shock, real estate speculation, smart cities, policing, environmental racism, houselessness, and housing precarity, while practicing ethnographic methods. Considers movements for housing, spatial, and racial justice that counter dispossession and build different urban futures.
                Geodemographics: Population, Diversity, and Place GEOG 245 Explores the geodemographic underpinnings of societal dynamics and the spatial diversity of United States populations. Topics include immigration policy, the concept of 'race' in the census, fertility and mortality differences, political redistricting, segregation, and internal migration of populations. Examines regional and local scales of variation using geodemographic techniques and GIS.
                Geographic Information Systems BIS 342 Examines the concepts and methods of geographic information systems (GIS) and related elements of spatial analysis and representation. Through projects and lab exercises, student gain basic proficiency in the use of GIS and an interdisciplinary understanding of the applications of GIS.
                Geographies and Politics of Poverty and Privilege GEOG 432 Examines theories and case studies across the Americas to understand geographies and politics of poverty and inequality. Outlines key concepts related to the reproduction of inequality/poverty, particularly theories of class, gender, and race and examines the mechanisms through which knowledge and action on poverty and inequality are (re)produced.
                Geographies of Environmental Justice GEOG 272 Draws on political ecology and cultural geography frameworks to think through social constructions of nature: where we live, where we play, and where we work. Looks at the role of markers of difference (gender, race, nationality) in debates around equity and justice.
                Geographies of Global Inequality GEOG 230 Addresses increasing global inequalities by focusing on shifting spatial division of labor and the role of the international development industry in shaping economic and social inequality. Examines relationships between economic globalization, development industry, and rising global inequality: reviews the history and record of the international development project, and asks what it means to say that Western, advanced economies are not the norm.
                Geographies of International Development and Environmental Change GEOG 270 Explores how concepts, theories and ideologies of international development and environmental issues interrelate. Approaches development and environment through several interconnected topics: population, consumption, carbon, land and water. Examines how these issues connect our lives to the lives of people living in the Third World.
                Geography of Cities GEOG 277 Explores economic, cultural, social and political dynamics of cities - their location, functions, and internal structure, including economic activities, housing, and social geography. Topics include economic restructuring; suburbanization and urban sprawl; urban planning; inner-city gentrification; and how issues of class, race, and gender are embedded in the geographies of cities.
                Geography of Food and Eating GEOG 271 Examines development of world food economy, current responses to instabilities and crises, and issues relating to obesity, hunger, and inequality in relation to food systems. Explores political, social, and economic dimensions of food and eating in particular spaces, places, environments, contexts, and regions. Uses the theme of food and eating to examine key concepts from human geography and thereby provides an introduction to the discipline.
                Geography of Housing GEOG 445 Focuses on the geography of housing, especially in the United States. Topics include: the American dream of home ownership; housing affordability and differential access to home ownership; homelessness; the history of public housing; housing demography; residential mobility and neighborhood change, and discrimination in the housing market.
                Geography of Inequality GEOG 342 Geographies of social, political, and economic inequality. Focus is usually on North American cities. Examines the theoretical underpinning of inequality. Explores topics such as the spatial distribution of wealth and poverty, the geographies of exclusion, and discrimination in paid employment and housing.
                Geography of the Developing World GEOG 335, JSIS B 335 Characteristics and causes, external and internal, of Third World development and obstacles to that development. Special attention to demographic and agricultural patterns, resource development, industrialization and urbanization, drawing on specific case studies from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
                Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets GEOG 208 Examines the relationship between the globalization of economic activity and regional development. Topics include international trade, colonialism, industrial capitalism, advanced capitalism, and the globalization of labor markets.
                Geography of Transportation GEOG 448
                GIS and Decision Support GEOG 464, 564 Combines lectures about geographic information systems and decision methods with hands-on computer assignments about regional and urban issues associated with such complex decision processes as planning, improvement programming, and capital project implementation. Emphasizes land, transportation, and water resources decision problems.
                GIS and Mapping GEOG 360 Introduction to mapping and geographic information systems. Topics include: Representation of spatial objects, their attributes, and relationships in desktop and online GIS; common spatial operations and geoprocessing in GIS; principles of cartographic visualization, communication, and critique; narrative mapping and spatial humanities; ethics, society and GIS.
                GIS Presentation, Analysis, and Problem Solving GEOG 362 Introduces students to the systems, science, and study of geographic information systems (GIS), including what gives GIS its enduring importance, it core principles, its applications, its unique analysis methods, and the practices and dilemmas that often accompany the use and communication of geographic information.
                Global Environmental Change and Public Health ENVH 220 / GH 220 Humans are the primary drivers of global environmental changes that are changing the planet on the scale of geological forces. Students will be introduced to these changes and their consequences for human health and well-being, with a focus on climate change and its consequences.
                Green Internationalism And The City T SUD 444 Explores the influence of global ecological politics on urban policy and development as well as the impacts that new forms of urbanization have on global ecological politics. Interrogates key interdisciplinary debates within global political economy, political ecology, and urban studies.
                Hazard Mitigation Planning URBDP 549 A survey of the field of planning for managing risks of natural hazards-earthquakes, floods, coastal/meteorological hazards, and human-caused technological hazards/terrorism. Covers pre-event mitigation through building and land-use controls; disaster preparedness; post-even response, recovery, and mitigation of future hazards. Emphasizes hazard mitigation as a long-term strategy for achieving sustainability of communities.
                Health and Homelessness ORALM 651 Addresses oral and systemic health issues in the homeless in Seattle. Service based learning and includes presentations, readings, reflections, health education, and dental care delivery with the goal of preparing dental students to work in an interprofessional environment with other healthcare providers.
                Health and Sustainability ENVH 306 Focuses on the intersection of human health and environmental sustainability. Introduces core concepts of sustainability (for health sciences students) and public health (for environmental studies students) and explores the intersections of health and sustainability in specific domains including energy, transportation, the built environment, food systems, and chemicals. Emphasizes a systems thinking approach to formulating solutions.
                Health and Sustainable Transportation CET 567 Examines how transportation policy is driven by human health impacts. Highlights water and air impacts on health along with the health benefit of human powered transportation. Presents legal and regulatory issues. Case studies provide examples of application of these principles to real world transportation issues.
                Health Equity and Community Organizing UCONJ 624 The second course, health equity and community organizing (UCONJ 624) will be taught in collaboration with Sound Alliance and will help students to learn the skills to develop effective, winnable community organizing campaigns that produce greater health equity. The goal of this course is for students to be able to work upstream to address the social determinants of health—so we don’t have to keep doing direct service and charity forever without ever addressing the reason why needs exist in the first place. The course meets Thursdays (from 5:30-7:20) and the bulk of the coursework is oriented toward actually getting involved in a Health Equity Circle campaign
                Health Impact Assessment ENV H 536, URBDP 536 Examines the use of Health Impact Assessment as a public health tool for informing decision-makers about the potential health impacts of proposed projects and policies. Students learn the steps for conducting HIAs, review case studies, and conduct an HIA of a current local proposed project.
                Health Issues in the Homeless and Underserved ORLAM 652 Students learn about the causes and challenges of homelessness and lack of access to care and how it affects systemic and oral health. The course includes a minimum of 12 clinical service learning hours in the community (clinical opportunities are provided) as well as online learning.
                Healthcare for Rural and Medically Underserved Populations MEDEX 510 Overview of the nature and severity of disparities in health care access and delivery to rural and urban underserved populations for practicing clinicians.
                Healthcare in the Underserved Community UCONJ 550 Gives graduate/professional students in health sciences an introduction to health related issues faced by underserved populations. Credit/no-credit only.
                History of African American Women and the Feminist Movement AFRAM 321 / GWSS 321 "Feminist Movement" from early nineteenth century to present. Treats relationship between black and white women in their struggle for independence, at times together and at times apart. Discusses the reasons, process, and results of collaboration as well as opposition. Examines recent and contemporary attempts at cooperation.
                History of Architecture in Seattle and Environs ARCH 452 Historical development of architectural in Seattle and surrounding areas from the nineteenth century to the present, also touching on issues of urban design and historic preservation.
                History of Environmental Design in the Pacific Northwest L ARCH 450 Development of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban planning in the Pacific Northwest from nineteenth century to the present, with major emphasis on twentieth century.
                History of Environmental Design on the West Coast L ARCH 451 Development of the environmental arts of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban planning from the eighteenth century to the present, with major emphasis on the twentieth century.
                History of Mexico: Culture, Identity, and the Politics of Rule from the Aztecs to the Present HSTLAC 282 Overview of Mexican history from late Aztec times until the twenty-first century. Emphasizes how women, campesinos, indigenous populations, free and enslaved Afro-Mexicans, and the urban poor experienced the past, challenged colonial and post-colonial rule, and shaped modern Mexican society and culture.
                History of Modern Landscape Architecture L ARCH 353 Development of profession and art of landscape architecture in the United States, Europe, South America, and Japan in relation to prevailing social, economic, political, and cultural factors. Relationships with other professions, especially architecture and urban planning, and other arts, such as painting and sculpture.
                History of Modern Taiwan HSTAS 235 / JSIS A 235 Social, cultural, political, and economic history of modern Taiwan from approximately 1600 to the present. Places Taiwan within global historical changes and explores Taiwan-centric issues in depth. Covers migration, colonialism, race and identity, urban and rural development, the Cold War, capitalism and industrialization, science, religion, labor, and gender.
                History Of Tacoma T HIST 445 Surveys the history and fabric of Washington state's second largest urban center. Topics include early settlements, Tacoma as the Pacific terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad, commercial and social currents, ethnic and political struggle as recurring forces, and the development of regional institutions, local governments, and locally based corporations. Emphasizes architecture, urban planning and growth, and the built environment of Tacoma.
                History of the South Since the Civil War AFRAM 272 Reconstruction and its aftermath, the Agrarian (Populist) revolt, disfranchisement and segregation, the effects of urbanization and subsequent depression, desegregation, and the struggle for civil rights. Examines the New South, the conflict of ideology with structural and material change, and the place of the South in contemporary America.
                History Of Urban Education EdLPS 539 Examines the complex ways that race, class, real estate interests, the quest for social mobility, and a range of government policies have interacted to structure the social and spatial distribution of educational opportunity in cities historically. Includes a comparative historical analysis of urban case studies, including Seattle.
                History of Urban Landscapes and Environments L ARCH 454 Explores the history and historiography of urban landscapes and the design of cities with an emphasis on North America in the context of the broader study of cities in China, Japan, and in the Western world from the pre-classical through twentieth centuries in Europe.
                History of Urbanization and the Environment TCSIIN 438 Addresses the environmental impact of ancient, medieval, and modern cities. Includes the evolution of urban infrastructure and relations between city and countryside.
                Homeless in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in the Emerald City HSERV 490 / 590 This undergraduate and graduate-level course addresses the dimensions, causes, and health consequences of homelessness, particularly in Seattle. The course analyzes the political dimensions of public policy on homelessness, champions the rights of people experiencing homelessness, and describes local political activism efforts to end homelessness.
                Homeless Youth and their Medical Care PEDS 530 Seminar and interview practice; students learn how to deal with special health problems and other related problems of "street kids" through interviews and observations.
                Homelessness in Seattle MEDEX 580 Multi-disciplinary course developing knowledge and skills in the area of acute and chronic homeless health problems, understanding the history and social constructs as well as the services and disparities facing this population.
                Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence HSERV 454
                  Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and solutions, big and small. May only be taken for credit once.
                  Housing URBDP 451 Survey of housing and redevelopment problems, theories, standards, and practice. Development of public policies, finance, technological considerations, social factors, and priorities.
                  Housing and Health ENVH 443 Explores healthy and safe homes as a crucial element in public health. Review of federal, state and local approaches to housing-related programs under the banner of healthy homes. Students completing this course will understand the relationship between housing and human health and well-being.
                  Housing and Social Policy PUBPOL 564 Provides an overview of the field of housing policy and its interrelationships with social problems in the United States. Explores various dimensions of housing problems with an emphasis on housing affordability and examines the primary policy tools used to respond to housing problems.
                  Housing in Developing Countries URBDP 457 Emphasis on role of the design and planning professional in housing delivery in developing countries. Exploration of issues of culture, political environment, social context, economic circumstances, and other factors which define and limit the manner in which the professional planner and designer can and should function.
                  Housing in the United States T URB 480 Examines the principles, concepts, and tools central to housing in the United States. Acquire a broad knowledge base of state and federal housing markets, policies/programs. Identify appropriate policies to suit multiple urban contexts. Develop an understanding of at least one innovative approach to address the need for affordable housing.
                  Housing Markets and Policy R E 401/563 Aims to provide students with the tools to assess housing problems. Studies housing markets in a dynamic context, with emphasis placed on demand and supply drivers. Examines the justifications for and the basis of public sector involvement in the housing market and describe and evaluate the main policy mechanisms used such as regulation of private renting or the provision of affordable housing.
                  Hydraulic Design for Environmental Engineering CEE 481 Introduction to the theory and the practice of planning and design of urban water supply distribution, pump stations, and sewage and storm-water collection systems. Evaluation of service areas and service requirements and their relationships to urban and regional planning activities. Engineering methods and computer programs for designing basic system elements.
                  Images of the City T URB 205 Examines how the city is portrayed through various media and how those portrayals affect society's perception of urban places. Discusses imagery from films, literature, television, newspapers, and magazines. Considers images linked to such elements as crime, ethnic enclaves, downtown areas, and suburbia.
                  Immigrant America: Trends and Policies from a Geographic Perspective GEOG 310 U.S. immigration trends and policies from a geographic perspective. Topics include where immigrants come from, where they settle in the United States (and why they settle in those particular places), these locations, immigrant employment enclaves, effects of U.S. immigration policy on immigrant settlement and employment patterns, unauthorized immigration, citizenship, and barriers to immigrant social and economic mobility in the United States.
                  Immigrants, Labor, and Legality LSJ 422 Provides sociological examination of working immigrants in the United States. Focuses on how immigration and labor legislation shape context of working, worker identity, and rights. Topics include federal and state legislation, employee classification, division of labor, skilled/unskilled, flexibility, legal status, organizing, and relationship to race and gender ideology in shaping contexts of working and rights.
                  Immigration and Cultural Memory in the Pacific Northwest: The Role of Film and Cinema JSIS B 380 Explores immigration and culture through the development of the film industry in relation to the immigrant flows into Seattle at the turn of the 20th century. The rise of cinema helped immigrants to assimilate into mainstream society. In turn, immigrants turned films into a major American industry.
                  Immigration, Race, And American Cities T URB 250 Discusses the history of immigration and peopling of the U.S., focusing primarily on issues related to race, class, ethnicity, and gender in American cities since the nineteenth century.
                  Implementation in Preservation Planning URBDP 586 Practical experience in identifying, documenting, evaluating and developing strategies for protection of historic resources, building on introductory theories, methods, and practices. Develops skills critical to preservation planning via research, fieldwork, and writing. Prerequisite: introductory course in preservation.
                  In-Justice for All: Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in the United States AES 150 Focusing on pre-Columbus era to 1970, students develop an understanding of how race, ethnicity, nationality, class, and gender impact all Americans - especially those viewed as racial ethnic minorities.
                  Indians in Western Washington History AIS 425 / HSTAA 417 Relations of Indians and non-Indians in the Puget Sound region, from the 1790s to the present, with emphasis on evolving ideas about Indian identity.
                  Indigenous Ecologies and Climate Change AIS 385 Diverse ways in which Indigenous peoples around the world understand, experience, and are responding to contemporary global climate change. Topics include: the politics of traditional ecological knowledge, Indigenous environmental justice movements, community-scale climate "adaptation" practice, as each is related to Indigenous health and wellbeing, cultural continuance, and political sovereignty.
                  Indigenous Encounters: Politics, Culture, and Representation in Latin America CHID 280 / JSIS A 280 Explores the contemporary cultural and political transformations advanced by indigenous groups and their advocates in Latin America. Examines the concept of indigeneity, the cultural politics of indigenous mobilization, and the effects of international development policies on indigenous communities.
                  Indigenous Food Sovereignty AIS 380 Food sovereignty within an Indigenous framework of decolonization and cultural revitalization. Demonstrates its potential to strengthen tribal autonomy, health, and wellness in Indigenous communities. How colonialism undermined Indigenous relationships to homelands, plants, and animals that sustained and nourished communities, leading to health disparities and inability to access traditional, nutritious foods.
                  Indigenous Knowledge and Public Health in Mexican and Latinx Origin Communities CHSTU 322 / ANTH 325 Critical medical anthropologies of public health through environmental justice/decolonial methods and groundings in ethnoscientific knowledge. Forces impinging on 'racialized' health regimes in Mexican/Latinx communities through study of structural violence, historical trauma and related disparities and inequities. Emphasis on healthcare and caring labor via decolonial critiques of settler colonialism, commodification, and indigenous survivance.
                  Indigenous Knowledge and Public Health in Mexican and Latinx Origin Communities ANTH 325 / CHSTU 322 Critical medical anthropologies of public health through environmental justice/decolonial methods and groundings in ethnoscientific knowledge. Forces impinging on 'racialized' health regimes in Mexican/Latinx communities through study of structural violence, historical trauma and related disparities and inequities. Emphasis on healthcare and caring labor via decolonial critiques of settler colonialism, commodification, and indigenous survivance.
                  Indigenous Sovereignties AIS 492 Indigenous challenges of ongoing European settlement across the globe, focusing on both the global legacies of colonialism and the continued socio-political movements of Indigenous populations. What colonialism looks like today and how Indigenous peoples are challenging its authority.
                  Industrialization and Urbanization in China GEOG 435 Examines the impacts of industrialization strategies adopted by the Peoples Republic of China on urbanization and rural-urban relations. Topics include: economic development strategies, industrial geography, rural industrialization, urban development patterns, migration, and urbanization policies.
                  Inequality, Governance, and Policy in the Metropolitan Region PUBPOL 560, URBDP 560 Explores national/local urban policy concerning the major problems confronting cities and metropolitan regions today. Economic globalization, income inequality, and metropolitan decentralization shape the urban agenda, the context for urban policy, and the analytic focus of the course. A project allows the exploration of strategies for intervention.
                  Inequality: Current Trends and Explanations SOC 565 / CS&SS 565 Discussion of recent growth in economic inequality in the United States and competing explanations for these new trends through examination of labor market demographics, industrial composition and restructuring, and the broader political context that impacts policies like minimum wage, strength of unions, and foreign trade.
                  Infrastructure and Community Facilities URBDP 466 Issues and methods associated with planning for parks, schools, drainage, sewerage, utilities, libraries, solid waste, and transportation. Covers their relationship to comprehensive plans, project permitting, and impact assessment. Financing, regulating, and relationships to social, environmental, and economic goals are discussed.
                  Infrastructure and Community Facilities URBDP 566 Issues and methods associated with planning for parks, schools, drainage, sewerage, utilities, libraries, solid waste, and transportation. Covers their relationship to comprehensive plans, project permitting, and impact assessment. Financing, regulating, and relationships to social, environmental, and economic goals are discussed.
                  Infrastructure Construction CEE 404 Basic concepts of large transportation infrastructure construction projects including planning, scheduling, life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA), construction cost, logistics, productivity and, where applicable, traffic impacts. Term project is designed around a large-scale I-5 pavement reconstruction project involving construction, traffic, and the interaction between the two. Involves presentations on local transportation infrastructure projects.
                  Infrastructure Finance IPM 503 Covers how to pay for infrastructure, including planning, budgeting, and public/private partnerships. Examines the relationships between infrastructure finance, urban form, and sustainability; local government finance, budget accountability, and equity issues; and infrastructure investments in changing economic climates, forms of finance available for infrastructure, collective decision-making, and alternative forms of project delivery.
                  Integrative Seminar: Poverty Analysis SOC WF 450 Critical analysis of poverty both in the United States and from a global perspective. Analytical and descriptive focus on measurement, processes of production and perpetuation, and theoretical perspectives that lead to different social and economic policy responses.
                  Intermediate GIS T GIS 312 Examines GIS techniques that range from spatial analysis using vector and raster data models, to the analysis of three dimensional surfaces in urban space.
                  International Responses to Human Needs: Social Welfare Polices and Services SOC WF 120 Focuses on major global social services such as poverty, immigration, and health that are reshaping social welfare policies and services throughout the world. Provides a comparative overview of social welfare policies and programs in the United States and selected other countries.
                  International Urban Studies T URB 399 Urban Studies courses taken through UWT foreign study program.
                  Introduction to American Indian Contemporary and Social Issues AIS 202 Introduction to American Indian/Alaska Natives contemporary and social issues. Topics will include identification, demographics, government relations, treaty and water rights, Indian gaming, and treaty law.
                  Introduction to Community, Environment & Planning CEP 200 Introduction to central themes of major. Opportunities to engage in community action and planning process, while developing ecological literacy. Lectures, discussions, and critical writing exercises combine to increase knowledge and interest in these fields. Emphasis on developing community of learners in and out of classroom setting.
                  Introduction to Digital Urban Data Analysis T URB 110 Provides a methodological foundation to digital research and data analysis technologies to build a unique set of urban analytical tools.
                  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems URBDP 404 / URBDP 504 Provides students with introductory practical knowledge of Geographical Information Systems and Science for current and future coursework in urban planning.
                  Introduction To Geography T GEOG 101 Broad introduction to the field of geography within the context of globalization. Topics include the relationship between humans and their environment, the role of culture in landscape change, economic development, geopolitics, and urban systems.
                  Introduction to Geospatial Technology T GIS 502 Provides an introduction and overview of the role that geospatial technologies play in contemporary urban and environmental planning scenarios. Focuses on the applications and techniques that are core elements of the graduate program in Geospatial Technologies.
                  Introduction to Globalization GEOG 123 / JSIS 123 Provides an introduction to the debates over globalization. Focuses on the growth and intensification of global ties. Addresses the resulting inequalities and tensions, as well as the new opportunities for cultural and political exchange. Topics include the impacts on government, finance, labor, culture, the environment, health, and activism.
                  Introduction to Historic Preservation Planning URBDP 585 Theories, methods, and practices associated with historic preservation planning. Overview of preservation planning programs at federal, state, and local levels. Introduction to tools and methods needed to identify, document, evaluate, and plan for protection of historic properties. Provides opportunity to learn fundamentals of preservation planning through practical experience.
                  Introduction to Indigenous Planning URBDP 539 Introduces key concepts within Indigenous Planning, and the logistical challenges in conducting planning activities by both tribal and non-tribal governments in the U.S. Examines case studies to understand how planning projects and policies impact housing, tribal economics, and the environment.
                  Introduction to Labor Studies HSTCMP 249 / POL S 249 / SOC 266 Conceptual and theoretical issues in the study of labor and work. Role of labor in national and international politics. Formation of labor movements. Historical and contemporary role of labor in the modern world.
                  Introduction to Land Use, Growth Management, and Environmental Planning URBDP 450 Provides an understanding of contemporary land use issues (including sprawl, smart growth, new urbanism, transit-oriented development, and Washington's Growth Management Act) and examines their environmental impact and social welfare implications. Analyzes best-practice techniques of growth management.
                  Introduction to Migration GEOG 203 Introduces contemporary issues in international migration. Covers the relationship between contemporary human mobility and changes in the global economy; gendered migration; transnationalism; refugee and asylum issues; and immigrant integration.
                  Introduction to Neighborhood Planning and Community Development URBDP 562 Provides introduction to basic practices in neighborhood planning and community development, including theoretical/historical bases; developing neighborhood plans/projects; indicators and evaluation of neighborhood quality; community participation; institutional framework, ethical dilemmas, and professional roles. Addresses current issues, including Seattle's experience, NIMBYism, security, neighborhood character, housing segregation, etc.
                  Introduction to Real Estate URBDP 552 / R E 510 Provides a basic overview of the participants, processes, workings of different components of the real estate industry (including a variety of uses spanning from residential, office, retail and industrial to specialized) as well as the quantitative components of the real estate decision-making. Additionally, students are introduced to an overview of construction management, sustainability, corporate services, property law and ethics.
                  Introduction to Real Estate Economics/Market Analysis R E 416/516 Introduces students to the urban land market in which sites and properties are embedded Covers five areas: basic economic concepts critical in the understanding of real estate markets; urban economy; land rent theory; locational analysis and decision making; and market analysis.
                  Introduction to Social Stratification SOC 360 Social class and social inequality in American society. Status, power, authority, and unequal opportunity are examined in depth, using material from other societies to provide a comparative and historical perspective. Sociological origins of recurrent conflicts involving race, sex, poverty, and political ideology.
                  Introduction to Urban Design URBDP 423 / URBDP 523 Definitions and examples of urban design; heritage of urban design; theories of city building; the role of urban design in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. Offered: Sp.
                  Introduction To Urban Design History And Theory T UDE 210 Provides an historical overview of urban design practice and its political economy, allowing students to learn about the intellectual trajectory of the discipline, both within and outside the structures of power.
                  Introduction to Urban Planning URBDP 300 Principles and theories of urban structure and institutions. Concepts and logic of planning as a community process and a professional activity. Evolution of planning ideas in response to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions within the American political framework. Complementary nature of public and private responsibilities. Major procedures used by planners.
                  Introduction to Urban Planning T URB 220 Introduction to the planning process. Presents and discusses the major planning sub-fields. Topics include housing, transportation, recreation, environmental planning, and preservation planning. Examines techniques associated with growth controls and land use management. Introductory course for students with planning emphasis.
                  Introduction to Urban Research T URB 200/350 Introduction to research methods pertinent to the study of urban issues, society and culture. Emphasizes the logic of the scientific method, understanding the interrelated stages of the research process, understanding and critiquing quantitative and qualitative research literature, and learning strategies for gathering and analyzing data.
                  Introduction to Urban Sociology SOC 215 Introduces the field of urban sociology. Focuses primarily on urban dynamics in the United States with attention to the global context in which they operate.
                  Introduction to Urbanization: Planning and Designing Alternative Urban Futures URBDP 200 Introduces how cities work and explores alternative ways of planning and designing urban futures. Explores the economic, cultural, political, and social aspects of cities and how we might change them for the better. Also examines numerous case studies from the Global North and South.
                  Issues in Indian Health UCONJ 530 Surveys historical and contemporary issues in Indian health. Covers Indian contributions to health, traditional Indian medicine, current disease epidemiology, development of federal Indian health policy, the Indian Health Service, tribal health programs, and consequences of major legislation on Indian health.
                  Italian Cities ART H 261 / ITAL 261 Introduces Italian culture by focusing on the past and present of five of the nation's most important cities: Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, and Naples.
                  Italian Fascism: Architecture and Power ART H 495 / ITAL 475 Fascism in Italy as studied within the broader European context of nationalism, imperialism, and modernization, with particular emphasis on the arts -- literature, film, architecture, and urbanism.
                  Japanese Americans: Race, Culture, Discrimination, Gender, and Endurance AAS 370 Explores the changing nature of Japanese Americans from the first, Issei, to the latest generation. Topics include arrival, inequality and discrimination, Picture Brides, WW II, and minority-majority race relations. Lectures, readings, discussion, and videos offer varied approaches to view culture, values, community, concentration camps, gender, socio-economic, and psychological issue.
                  Japanese History in Ecological Perspective HSTAS 440/540, JSIS A 440/539 Survey of Japanese history in ecological perspective, from early times to the present. Topics include ancient Japanese lifeways; climate and history; agriculture, population, and resources; Buddhist and animist views of outer and inner nature; urbanization from ancient capitals to megacity Tokyo; industrialization and energy; and future visions. Readings include influential scholarly works and Japanese sources in English translation.
                  Labor, Identity, and Knowledge in Healthcare ANTH 373 Presents anthropological perspectives on provision of healthcare as a complex social phenomena. Examines division of labor, and how social groups come to occupy particular positions. Considers how knowledge and skills are gained, how they are recognized and valued, and may become sources of identity.
                  Land Law and the Urban Environment LAW 442 Examination of the major legal tools available to shape the urban environment by controlling the use of land. Considers zoning, subdivision controls, urban renewal, private land-use restrictions, and the rules of nuisance law.
                  Land Use Planning T URB 322 Examines the land use planning process at the local level with a focus on the contemporary United States. Review of theories of land use change, arguments for and against planning intervention, and the role of the land use planner in the local land development arena.
                  Land Use, Growth Management and Environmental Planning URBDP 550 Provides an understanding of contemporary land use issues (including sprawl, smart growth, new urbanism, transit-oriented development, and Washington's Growth Management Act) and examines their environmental and social welfare implications. Analyzes best practice techniques of growth management.
                  Landscape Architecture Field Sketching L ARCH 310 Introductory level sketching of landscape subjects: natural and urban sites, plants, animals, architectural elements. Emphasis on perspective. Various media, including pencil, charcoal, markers, ink wash, water color.
                  Landscape Planning Studio L ARCH 505 Examines the theory and techniques of landscape planning across a wide range of spatial scales and contexts in the design process. Explores the application of planning techniques and technologies by a specific design or planning project.
                  Landscape Plant Science and Sustainable Management ESRM 480 Principles and practices of plant management in urban and modified landscapes. Physiological basis for plant management and selection; site analysis and preparation; plant installation and aftercare; plant performance evaluation; long-term sustainable management and plant health care.
                  Landscape Representation II L ARCH 412 Development of advanced skills of visual representation to communicate students' visions for urban ecological design including techniques used during the design process and for presentation.
                  Landscape Technology L ARCH 523 Studio on rehabilitation of stressed urban landscapes. Focus varies but often deals with an analysis of the potentials in urban watershed and the study of alternative site designs for enhancing a range of landscape functions related to water quality. Taught by an interdisciplinary team.
                  Latin America: Landscapes of Change GEOG 330 Examines operation of economic, social, and political processes across countries of Latin America - on international, national, and local scales - to understand common issues facing the region and different impacts in particular countries. Topics include internationalization of Latin American economies; agrarian and urban change; popular movements.
                  Latinas and Labor in the Neoliberal Age CHSTU 435 Social, political, and economic forces shaping the lives of Latina workers under neoliberalism.
                  Latinos in the United States: Patterns of Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic and Political Inequality CHSTU 200 Studies broad patterns of inequality formed by historical forces, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, immigration, and social capital. Analyzes rapid growth and adjustment of old and newly established Latino communities, resulting from transnational migration from Latin America.
                  Latinos in the United States: Patterns of Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic and Political Inequality CHSTU 200 Studies broad patterns of inequality formed by historical forces, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, immigration, and social capital. Analyzes rapid growth and adjustment of old and newly established Latino communities, resulting from transnational migration from Latin America.
                  Latinx Urban Communities T LAX 356 Introduces Latinx urbanism, an interdisciplinary area of inquiry seeking to understand the impact of Latinx people on U.S. cities and metropolitan areas. Drawing from urban studies, cultural studies, rhetorical studies, and cultural geography, examines historical and contemporary issues affecting Latinx populations, as well the ways Latinx people are at the center of urban life in the U.S.
                  Law, Liberalism, and Modernity ANTH 533 Examines relationships between law, culture, and power through post-structuralist theories that consider subjectivity, agency, and identity. Explores connections between modern liberal law and the body, possessive individualisms, and discourses of rights. Topics include rights-talk, globalization, biopolitics, subject-making, modern nation-states, the rule of law, neo-liberalism, and legal cultures.
                  Leadership in the Built Environment R E 512 Focuses on leadership principles applicable to the real estate and the built environment and helps students conduct self-assessments to understand their strengths and ways they can apply them. Addresses both organizational leadership and leadership of construction processes.
                  Legal and Administrative Framework for Planning URBDP 580 Political, legal, and administrative institutions closely related to the planning process. Issues of devolution of authority and public representation and participation. Legal basis for planning and associated regulation.
                  Legal Urbanism TCMP 571 Explores the relationship between law and the city, examining how "law" situates cities and urban residents in the US and shapes behaviors and environments in cities. Considers how legal structures enable or inhibit urban social justice and how they might be used to advance socially just and sustainable urban conditions.
                  Literature and Discourse on the Environment ENGL 365 Pays attention to verbal expression; forms and genres; and historical, cultural, and conceptual contexts of the natural environment. Focuses on sites, nations, and historical periods. Forms and genres include: nature writing, environmentalist discourses, the pastoral, the sublime, discourses of the city, fiction, poetry, nonfiction prose, dramatic forms, and religious texts.
                  Livable Communities and Design CET 562 Explores the positives and negatives affecting livability. Covers sprawl and compact cities, energy issues and environmental quality, transit-oriented and traditional neighborhood development, and mixed-use and mixed income developments. Includes context-sensitive solutions to transportation projects.
                  Living with Disasters: Design for Resilience B E 230 Studies types of environmental hazards (e.g., earthquakes, flooding, climate change) and the ways people can build more resilient communities. Pre-major introduction to BE disciplines: architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, construction management. Students apply concepts in a Seattle-based scenario project.
                  Local Government Law LAW A 563 This course provides a basic introduction to local government law, using Washington State municipal law as the model. The course will cover the sources of local governmental authority, police and proprietary powers, formation and structure of municipal corporations, intergovernmental conflicts and intergovernmental contracts, taxation and finance, public works, eminent domain, and urban renewal law.
                  Mapping Communities BIS 352 MAPPING COMMUNITIES Uses mapping and other methods to examine the concept of “community.” Explores the intersections of life in urban areas including perception and interaction with built environments, political and economic relationships, and social and cultural ties. Students conduct community-based mapping projects to examine the role of “space” in producing community. We will work with community partners in Seattle Metropolitan Areas.
                  Maps and GIS T GIS 311 Introduction to map interpretation and basic spatial analysis through the use of geographic information systems (GIS). Emphasizes developing, through hands-on experience, a fundamental understanding of GIS and the technical expertise necessary for applying GIS in a variety of scenarios such as environmental science, urban planning, nursing, social work, and business.
                  Maps and GIS GEOG 258 Explores how people represent the world with maps and geographic information systems (GIS). Trains students in map use for basic navigation, urban management, and environmental analysis. Considers role of spatial databases in commerce, decision-making, and analysis. Helps map readers better determine quality, usefulness, and representation of information.
                  Medieval Technology T HIST 490 Examines the nuts and bolts of medieval technology and urban life while exploring larger themes of the gendering of labor, the rebirth of cities, the uneasy relationship to Islamic civilization, and the destruction of the natural world.
                  Metropolitan Planning and Development in Developing Countries URBDP 481 Examination of the nature and causes of urban planning and management problems in developing countries and exploration of alternative approaches to solve some of these problems.
                  Migration and Development in China GEOG 337 Examines patterns of China's internal migration in different periods in relation to economic development. Explores how the state-created dual structure and the household registration system enables China to have a huge class of super-exploitable migrant labor and become the world's premier low-end manufacturing center.
                  Modern and Contemporary Art in India ART H 314 Surveys the visual arts of India from the late colonial through the postcolonial period. Topics include impact of colonialism, anti-colonial nationalist claims for art, shifting status of oil paintings, emergence of a national style, new art movements in urban centers, and art in the service of forge postcolonial identities and alliances.
                  Modern Architecture TCXG 379 Examines twentieth-century architecture and its origins. Focuses on issues concerning style, technology, urbanism, regionalism, function, and reform to address the diverse forces that have shaped modern architecture.
                  Modern Korean Society ANTH 448, JSIS A 448 Social organization and values of twentieth-century Korea. Changes in family and kinship, gender relations, rural society, urban life, education, and industrial organization since 1900. Differences between North and South Korea since 1945.
                  Modern Persian Gulf HSTAFM 463 Introduction to the histories of Arabian Peninsula states, Iraq, Iran, and their linkages since the eighteenth century. Topics to be covered include imperialism and its legacies, political economy of oil, governmental structures and political transitions, identify formation, political ideologies, urbanization, and relations with the broader Middle East and Indian Ocean.
                  Modern Poetry ENGL 338 Covers poetry from the 1890s through the 1940s, focusing on modernism and the avant-garde. This period, with the birth of free verse, is one of formal and social tumult. Likely topics include Imagism and Dada; the Harlem Renaissance; World War I and the Great Depression; urbanization; and the New Woman. Authors may include Eliot, H.D., Hughes, Loy, Moore, Pound, Stein, Stevens, Williams, and Yeats.
                  Modern South Asia ANTH 316, JSIS A 316 Twentieth-century history and society of Indian subcontinent. Topics include nationalism, rural and urban life, popular culture, gender, and environmental politics.
                  Narcoculture: Propaganda and Publicity in the War on Drugs JSIS A 354
                    Representation of so-called narcos in inter-American media and culture since the 1970s. Students critically analyze U.S. films, Colombian soap operas, Mexican ballads, and state propaganda dedicated to portraying traffickers' exploits. Centering on the ethical question of how to portray drug-related violence, introduces students to debates about censorship, propaganda, the public sphere, and spectacle.
                    Native Nation Governance AIS 365 Current issues important to Native nations today, using films and interactive case studies. Students research topics including: stereotypes, sovereignty, economy, citizenship, art, and politics. Provides an understanding of settler colonialism, seeks to understand challenges facing Native nations and look for creative solutions to those challenges.
                    Negotiations and Conflict Resolution in the Built Environment R E 514 Overview of negotiation theories, approaches and tactics. Application of deal making procedures for various aspects of real estate decision making processes and audiences (e.g. government, community groups, real estate organizations and partners). Analysis of conflict resolution techniques, mediation, arbitration, etc.
                    Northwest Latino Ethnic Communities: Culture, Race, Class, Immigration, and Socio-Economic and Political Marginalization CHSTU 254 Traces the history and development of the Latino community in the Pacific Northwest. The study engages racial and ethnic identities, rural to urban, inter-regional, and trans-border migration, and labor and economy to approach issues of marginalization. The Latino community is also contrasted across rural and urban spaces.
                    One Health: Human and Animal Health in a Changing Environment ENVH 439 Case based exploration of the One Health concept, connecting human, animal, and environmental health. Topics include emerging zoonotic infectious diseases transmitted between humans and animals, animals as sentinels of environmental hazards, the human-animal bond, and the comparison of spontaneous diseases between human and animals. Includes two optional field trips.
                    Pacific Rim Cities T URB 430 Examines links between urbanization and globalization on the Pacific Rim and connections between events and social/economic processes in places that seem distinct (e.g., China, Canada, Mexico, Philippines). Case studies and discussion topics include questions of class formation, political change, migration patterns, and gender/family dynamics.
                    Paris Architecture ART H 391 The architecture of Paris from its pre-Roman origins to the present.
                    Paris: Architecture and Urbanism ARCH 458, ART H 494, JSIS A 433 Spans the architectural history of Paris, from its Gallic, pre-Roman origins in the second century BCE through the work of twenty-first century architects. Focuses on changing patterns of the physical fabric of the city and its buildings, as seen within the context of the broader political, social, economic, and cultural history.
                    Pedestrian Travel, Land Use, and Urban Form URBDP 576 / CET 586 Seminar concentrating on walking as a mode of transportation in cities and city-regions, including social, cognitive, and perceptual dimensions of pedestrian movement and behavior theory.
                    People, Place, Equity SOC W 554 Introduces empirical, theoretical, and applied knowledge on place as a key dimension of social work practice. Examines how people-place relationships differentially affect social opportunities such as health and wellness, employment, and housing. Provides intellectual and practical foundations for incorporating spatial analyses and collaborative place-making interventions in practice.
                    Planning and Development in the Puget Sound Region T URB 479 Examines the problems and prospects associated with rapid growth in the Seattle-Tacoma urban region. Includes site visits and discussions with public officials, planners and developers. Topics/sites vary and include such issues as growth management, sprawl, transportation, sustainable development, land use, and environmental protection.
                    Planning as a Profession URBDP 480 Provides students interested in the planning profession an opportunity to understand the different pathways and career choices within the profession. Introduces students to guest professionals in various planning careers and highlight key issues, skills used, and tips to entering the field. Focuses on professional practice rather than analytical methods or theory.
                    Planning For Equity TCMP 572 Provides an overview of the equity planning tradition in urban affairs and community planning. Introduces participatory process, democratic deliberation, and inclusive management. Emphasizes planning skills for recognizing, empowering, and resourcing groups and individuals with historical, economic, and operational disadvantages in processes of urban development and decision-making.
                    Planning for People and Freight CET 511 Introduces transportation planning as a process integrating and balancing the needs of diverse users, including automobile drivers, freight carriers, public and private mobility service providers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Addresses the purpose and goals of the transportation system, the planning process and governance, use of road and curb space, land use - transportation interactions, and tools for analyzing impacts.
                    Planning for Sustainability T URB 450 Examines the growing impact of global sustainability on local spatial planning systems, especially in the US, UK, Europe and South Africa. Specific topics include the philosophies, theories, goals, techniques, and institutional politics of sustainability planning.
                    Planning History, Theory, and Ethics URBDP 564 Examines major historical landmarks since the Civil War (urban, suburban, and rural, physical and social-economic); theoretical alternatives (rationalism, pluralism-advocacy, critical theory, bio-regionalism, dissipative models); and ethical issues (such as distributive justice and principles of professional conduct).
                    Planning Theory And Practice TCMP 521 Explores how community planners and other actors engage theories of planning procedures and preferred urban forms to guide urban development and social change. Considers how leading scholars in the field have theorized the potential and challenges of planning.
                    Planning Urban Green Infrastructure Networks for Healthy Cities L ARCH 481 Explores the planning of green infrastructures to maximize ecosystems services and support more compact and livable communities. Credit/no-credit only.
                    Plant Identification & Management L ARCH 423 Plants and the soil in which they grow are the living materials that form the foundational palette from which landscape architects work to design and manage landscapes. Learn to identify plants, their ecology and understand their maintenance requirements. Provides students with the opportunity to gain insight into the field of botany, biological complexity of plants and their structural contributions to urban ecology.
                    Plant Propagation: Principles and Practice ESRM 411 Science and practice of plant propagation including sexual (seed) and asexual (cutting, layering, grafting) propagation. Includes discussion of physiological effects, methodology and laboratory exercises. Wide variety of plants covered. Intended for majors in urban horticulture and urban forestry and others interested in reproducing landscape plants.
                    Policing the City GEOG 378 / LSJ 378 Investigates how and why formal and informal order is established in urban areas, how this order produces advantages and disadvantages, and possibilities of alternative visions of order. Topics include formal means of control (zoning, laws, policing, building codes) and informal means of control (gossip, ostracism, peer pressure, local politics).
                    Policy Development, Finance, and Sustainable Transportation CET 569 Covers the development and implementation of transportation policies to support sustainable transportation systems. Reviews regulations and finance opportunities at the local, state, and federal level highlighting those that promote sustainable transportation.
                    Political Anthropology and Social Change ANTH 437 Study of politics from different anthropological perspectives, especially processual approaches to political change. Focused examination of cultural aspects of modern state formation in local and regional contexts. Themes: colonialism and nationalism, regime and transitions, local politics and global processes, social construction of bureaucracy.
                    Political Geography: Territory, State and Society TSMG 440 Introduction to political geography from the perspective of political economy and the politics of difference. Discusses both critical approaches to human geography and geographical interpretations of the state. Emphasizes spatial dimensions of capitalist development as mediated by urban, national and global politics.
                    Political Geography: Territory, State And Society T GEOG 440 Introduction to political geography from the perspective of political economy and the politics of difference. Discusses both critical approaches to human geography and geographical interpretations of the state. Emphasizes spatial dimensions of capitalist development as mediated by urban, national and global politics.
                    Politics of Representation in Modern China ANTH 444 / JSIS A 403 Focuses on issues of representation and power in twentieth century China. Combines substantive information on modern Chinese society and culture with recent debates in social theory and the politics of representation. Major themes include Chinese nationalism, body politics, popular culture, and everyday practice.
                    Politics of Urban Reform POL S 587 Interpretations of urban reformers at turn of this century and during 1960s and 1970s. Historical and political science literature on the subject.
                    Population and Development ECON 448 International economic development, with a focus on population issues. Demography, poverty and income inequality, fertility choice and sex selection, household production models and intra-household inequality, parental investments in child health and education, including discrimination against girls, and migration and urbanization. Evidence-based policy and differential impacts on diverse communities within developing societies.
                    Population and Modernization JSIS D 435 / SOC 432 Examines role of demographic factors in the process of social modernization and economic growth. The approach is both historical, focusing on populations of developed countries since 1700, and analytic, stressing the attempts made by different disciplines to model demographic relationships, with attention to less-developed regions.
                    Population and Society SOC 331 Population growth and distribution, population composition, population theory, urbanization. Determinants and consequences of fertility and mortality trends and migration in economically developed and underdeveloped areas.
                    Population Studies Seminar Series CSDE 501 CSDE affiliates and visitors present current research projects.
                    Poverty and Anti-Poverty in the United States PUBPOL 576 Examines the nature and extent of poverty in the United States, its causes and consequences, and the antipoverty effects of public policies.
                    Poverty and Inequality SOC W 501 Analysis of poverty and inequality in United States. Analytic and descriptive focus on measurement, processes of production and perpetuation, and public policy responses. Examines causes of poverty, the role of policy, and socioeconomic dimensions of stratification, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, immigration status, disability, age, sexual orientation, and family structure.
                    Poverty Law LAW E 525 Overview of legal issues affecting poor people, including relevant background readings on poverty and access to justice, and selection problems such as housing and homelessness, education, employment issues of low-wage workers, income support and welfare reform, consumer law, family law, and child care.
                    Power And Decentralization TCMP 573 Presents theoretical frameworks for analyzing political power in collaborative networks. Introduces analytic methods for understanding and anticipating how power operated in decentralized governance, including the ways in which community groups and urban stakeholders can identify key coalitions, political frames, and entry points in processes of urban development and resource allocation.
                    Practical Experience URBDP 446 Off-campus internship under academic supervision in situations useful to the education of planners, such as public/private planning and design offices, projects related to the environment, cross-cultural matters, and decision making. Assistance in identifying appropriate projects.
                    Preservation and the Vernacular Environment URBDP 587 Exploration of theoretical, methodological, and practical issues related to the preservation of vernacular architecture and cultural landscapes in the United States.
                    Private – Public Project Finance R E 542 Explores creative ways of project financing through public and private partnerships in the form of incentives (e.g. TIF, LIHTC, Brownfield development incentives, etc.) currently offered by different government levels throughout the USA. Prepares to identify the incentives for a project and structure a deal package based on a project's parameters.
                    Public Health and the Built Environment ENV H 538, URBDP 538 Examines how the design of communities and land use and transportation decision have positive and adverse effects on health. Considers built environment impacts on physical activity, obesity, air quality, injuries, mental health, social capital, and environmental justice; and explores interventions to promote healthy community design.
                    Public Health and the Built Environment URBDP 538 / ENV H 538 Examines how the design of communities and land use and transportation decision have positive and adverse effects on health. Considers built environment impacts on physical activity, obesity, air quality, injuries, mental health, social capital, and environmental justice; and explores interventions to promote healthy community design.
                    Public Health Practice at the Local Level HSERV 501
                      Basic overview of state and local public health practice with leaders in the field and case studies focusing on rural and urban public health challenges. Offers preparation for practice in public health agencies.
                      Public Presentation in Urban Horticulture SEFS 561 Students learn to make public presentations in scientific, professional, and popular contexts and to interpret technical information for professional and lay audiences. Support materials, such as audiovisuals and graphics are discussed.
                      Qualitative Methods for Urban Design and Planning URBDP 518
                        Surveys use of qualitative methods in urban design and planning practice and research, especially in relationship to places and people. Students develop methodological and analytical skills useful in research and in professional practice.
                        Quantitative Methods in Urban Design and Planning URBDP 520 Methods of statistical and mathematical analysis in design and planning. Emphasizes the use of computer packages for analyzing urban data. Regression, matrix methods, cohort-survival populations models with examples solved on microcomputers. Prerequisite: college mathematics and basic course in probability and statistics.
                        Race and Equity in Policy and Governance PUBPOL 572 An introduction for understanding race and equity in policy and governance. Power, privilege, and disadvantage are distributed based on race, skin color, and ethnicity. Develop the ability to identify and critique racist or racialized policies and management practices; examine your own experience of race, privilege, and oppression; and learn to use tools for increasing racial equity and inclusion in public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
                        Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. Military AES 333
                          The experiences of racial minorities in the military. Topics include segregation of units, desegregation of military, career limitations and opportunities, minority women, military families, racism, and role of veterans in civil rights struggles after service.
                          Race and Ethnicity in the United States T SOC 265 Introduces issues of race and ethnicity in the United States, particularly the social construction of race, and its effects on policies throughout history. Examines social movements (from the mid-1800s - present) and explores how ideas of racial justice and equality are articulated in relation to economic, political, and cultural contexts.
                          Race and Poverty in Urban America T URB 312 Examines current research, policy, and debate surrounding race and poverty in urban America. Includes affirmative action, the changing family, cultural identity, the inner-city crisis, interracial relationships, residential segregation, and the working and non-working poor.
                          Race and Social Justice Seminar URBDP 514 This course will explore concepts of race, racism, class, social justice, and make explicit their connections between design and planning. It does so to build student understanding about how, and the degree to which, these disciplines have historically addressed these topics, and where they stand currently. This exploration will include progress made, challenges, and overt actions that have and may continue to work in racist and unjust ways.
                          Race, Ethnicity, and Education AES 340
                            Focuses on critical social and political dimensions of race and ethnicity as they relate to issues and practices of pedagogy and power in American education. Considers schooling as sites at which contemporary politics of diversity play out amidst increasingly diverse demographics of students, teachers, and parents.
                            Race, Ethnicity, and the American City GEOG 479 Explores America's cities as sites where ethnic and racial interaction have generated specific patterns of opportunity and disadvantage in housing and labor markets; how ethnic identities and racial formations are changed by living and working in cities, and questions of assimilation, multiculturalism, and America's ethno-racial future.
                            Race, Ethnicity, and United States Public Policy AES 380 Explores the causes of disproportionate representation for people of color among the country's impoverished population; drawing on analysis of race/ethnicity, poverty, public policy, (including competing theories), public policy approaches, and ethnographic work addressing the causes and perpetuation of poverty in America.
                            Race, Power, and Food B HLTH 405 Examines the politics of nutrition in the age of globalization. Revisits, re-envisions, and re-articulates dominant understandings of history and culture as they relate to food. Explores food culture as a form of artistic expression, and uses documentary films and interactive theatre to build communication strategies rooted in students' identities. Presents powerful tools for building alliances across racial, gender, class, and cultural lines.
                            Re-Thinking Diversity CHID 260 Considers the notion of diversity from many scholarly perspectives and from personal engagements. Critically engages historical thinking about diversity and examines contemporary issues such as racism, sexism, and the cultural politics of difference.
                            Reading the City URBDP 370 Comprehending cities as reflection of individual reader and social/cultural context. Skills for analyzing everyday, visible evidence of the city. Topics include self-identity with place, city, image and perception, visual design analysis; and place as representation of culture. Extensive writing, multiple texts, collaborative work in groups and fieldwork.
                            Real Estate Asset Management URBDP 551 / R E 517 Focuses on the fundamentals and structure of asset management from a value improvement perspective. Students are educated on the proactive manner asset managers need to respond to changing tenant needs and competitive market condition, while focusing on the asset appreciation throughout the ownership cycle (acquisition, leasing and disposition).
                            Real Estate Development R E 550 / URBDP 578 Introduction and survey of processes and people involved in developing real estate, including issues of site control, public/private approvals, feasibility analysis, project financing, design/construction, marketing, and asset management.
                            Real Estate Development Process R E 363 Real estate development sits at the heart of the built environment, interacting with urban planners, landscape architects, architects, financiers, construction managers and end users. An understanding of the key decision making that underpins development is a vital part in understanding what is developed, where and when.
                            Real Estate Development Studio URBDP 513 / R E 551 The Real Estate Development studio is a required for the MSRE option in RE Development. The focus of the course has been traditionally on competitions. The course will continue to focus in commercial real estate competitions (NAIOP) and projects in the autumn quarter, however a focus on affordable housing will be the emphasis while pursuing the Bank of America's affordable Housing Challenge in the winter and spring quarter.
                            Real Estate Finance and Investment URBDP 554 / R E 513 Introduces students to basic real estate finance and institutional analysis allowing them to quantify the financial implications of real estate decisions. Topics include: basic time value of money, financial leverage, discounted cash flow analysis (properties and institutional portfolios), assessment of various real estate investment classes and distribution of proceeds to investors
                            Real Estate Law URBDP 557 / R E 515 Provides overview of legal frameworks applicable to the real estate industry with specific focus on three principal types of real estate transactions: (1) buying and selling real estate; (2) commercial leases; and (3) financing secured by real estate. Includes discussion of governmental regulation of real estate (land use controls, environmental concerns, and housing regulation).
                            Real Estate Market Analysis R E 360 The course is designed to introduce students to basic elements of real estate markets studies for different uses. It begins with an overview of the basic steps regardless of real estate use followed by the analysis of data sources, public policy issues affecting cities and their economy and software available to analyze different market patterns.
                            Research Seminar URBDP 512 Planning, designing, and undertaking applied research in an urban setting. Framing, critically assessing, managing, and presenting research used in urban planning and design. Conceptual modeling of causal relationships, choice among experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and ethical and political implications of research undertakings. Exercises leading to a complete research design.
                            Research Seminar: Theorizing the City GEOG 578 Considers classic and contemporary writings in urban theory in the twentieth century, including social ecology (Chicago School), political economy, and contemporary theoretical debates in post-structuralism, deconstructionism, and culture as they relate to cities and space.
                            Research Seminar: Topics in Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race GEOG 543
                              Theoretical and empirical research issues in the geographies of immigration, ethnicity, and race. Specific focus changes annually.
                              Resources for Urban Planning URBDP 509 Provides an opportunity for students to explore and discuss issues of professional practice with practicing planners in an informal context. Questions posed by the participants usually emphasize practical aspects of working as planners.
                              Restoration Design ESRM 479 Covers the design process in ecosystem restoration by presenting a series of weekly design problems that students solve as teams. Categorizes problems by disturbance type, including restoration necessitated by agriculture, urbanization, salt-marsh filling or diking, construction of transport corridors, etc. Includes a team design portfolio.
                              Rome HSTEU 250 / ITAL 250 Focuses on Rome as an historical, intellectual, and artistic world center. Literary and historic documents, visual arts, architecture, film, and opera used to explore the changing paradigms of the Eternal City.
                              Seminar on Architectural Theories ARCH 560 Recent developments in architectural theory, urban design theory, criticism, and the methodology of criticism.
                              Site Design and Planning L ARCH 341 Introduces urban ecological design issues for good site-planning processes, principles, and methods. Linked with L ARCH 301. Addresses planning for people, natural systems in place-making, design for movement with carried land uses. Includes readings, discussions, presentations, campus walks, case studies, graphic and written assignments.
                              Site Planning: Issues and Techniques URBDP 424 Introduction to site planning; how it is regulated; why it is important to know; and how to carry out its key tasks, including residential subdivision and mixed-use development layout; basic topographical and hydrological analysis and manipulation; roadways, parking and hierarchies of circulation, and site design detail.
                              Social Class And Inequality T SOC 335 Examines the problem of persistent urban poverty in the United States. Explores the differential risk of poverty experienced by racial and ethnic groups and by women and children in the context of the major theories of class stratification. Also discusses the factors that lead to extreme-poverty neighborhoods, how these environments affect the life chances of residents, survival strategies of the poor, and public policy implications.
                              Social Effects of Technology and Social Media COM 303 Examines the impact of information/communication technology and social media on individuals and society. Adopts a variety of theoretical, empirical, and popular understandings to assess how technology may bring about social change.
                              Social Justice and the City GEOG 478 Provides a link between general theories of urban inequality and their specific manifestation in the United States. Explores a series of themes related to contemporary urbanization processes including the recent mortgage crisis, segregation, gentrification, enclaves, fortification, redevelopment, homelessness, and the loss of public space.
                              Social Justice and Urban Sustainability T SUD 425 Examines sustainable urban development from a social justice perspective. Draws from key theories and practices to explore how and why to incorporate social justice into sustainable urban development politics and policies and the challenges facing such efforts.
                              Social Movements in Contemporary India ANTH 339 / GWSS 339 / JSIS A 339 Covers issues of social change, economic development, and identity politics in contemporary India studied through environmental and women's movements. Includes critiques of development and conflicts over forests, dams, women's rights, religious community, ethnicity, and citizenship.
                              Social Policy BIS 448 Addresses the need for and purposes of US social policy by linking policy interventions and advocacy to social welfare. Examines causes and policy solutions to social welfare issues such as poverty, income, public assistance, food and housing, mental health and substance abuse, child welfare, and social security.
                              Social Transformation of Modern East Asia ANTH 449, JSIS A 405 Comparative study of social change in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam since 1945. Concentration on small-scale social units in rural and urban areas under both communist and capitalist political systems.
                              Social Work in Action: Bridging the Gap From Science to Service SOC WF 101 Explores current social work practice and research applied to major societal problems. Lectures and discussions by leading faculty introduce students to the evidence-based perspective underlying program planning and practice innovation. Topics include: juvenile delinquency, child maltreatment, domestic violence, foster care reform, mental health, school violence, substance abuse, and poverty.
                              Society and Sustainable Environments ESRM 200 Introduces the application of social concepts and theories to understanding and managing urban, urbanizing and wildland landscapes in a sustainable manner. Of particular interest are factors that shape patterns on the landscape and resulting social and economic benefits. Explores landscapes across the urban to wildland gradient.
                              Sociolinguistics II ANTH 433 / LING 433 Examines field methods linguists use in socially oriented studies of language variation and change. Includes language attitudes, study of urban dialects, syntactic variation, sampling and interview design. Discussion of issues related to recording, ethics, and analysis of large bodies of data.
                              Sociology in Practice: Applied Community Research Program SOC 403 Participation in a project-based research group for a real-world client, addressing complex and enduring problems of urban life.
                              Sociology of Food SOC 420 Provides a historical and comparative overview of what people eat and how this relates to other types of social differentiation.
                              Soils and Land Use ESRM 311 Intended for students concerned with environmental problems in the Puget Sound basin; also for those who intend to become professionally involved in land-planning decisions. Focus is on the significance of soils in understanding environmental problems and in promoting intelligent land-use decisions. Basic concepts of soil systems are presented, stressing those aspects important in making land-planning decisions.
                              Solid Waste Management ENVH 445 Examination of the public health, environmental, economic, and materials conservation aspects of solid wastes management; amounts and sources of solid wastes, waste reduction and recycling, methods of storage, transportation and disposal, integrated waste management, identification of present problems and future needs.
                              South Asian Architecture I ARCH 445 Advanced introduction to precolonial architecture and urbanism of South Asia. Using methodologies of culture studies, examines select Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic case studies on a comparative genealogy.
                              South Asian Architecture II ARCH 446 Advanced introduction to colonial and postcolonial architecture and urbanism of South Asia. Using methodologies of culture studies, covers 1800 to present, emphasizing the years since India's independence in 1947.
                              South Asian Social Structure ANTH 412, JSIS A 412 Examines caste, class, and community in modern India. Transitions from colonial typology to analysis of social change, diversity, stability, and caste hierarchy in rural society. Current debates on class and community in Indian society, rural and urban, explored through themes of identity, structure, and mobility.
                              Spatial Analysis of Real Estate and Housing Markets R E 597 Spatial analysis of real estate and housing market data. Methods in quantitative analysis of spatial data. Methods are applied to a variety of housing and real estate data sets to inform business decisions and policy making. Exploratory data analysis, spatial interpolation, and spatial regression.
                              Spatial Dimensions of Chinese Development GEOG 505 Addresses several major spatial topics critical to present-day China's development, including: population and land relationship, the spatial structures of economic activities and governments; rural-urban relations and transition; central-local relations; the hukou system; population mobility at different spatial scales and urban centers.
                              Special Topics in Operations Management OPMGT 579 Major topics in operations management and systems analysis. Emphasis on research and, where appropriate, application of quantitative analysis and computers. Topics vary, including workforce planning, project management, research and development management, quality assurance, technology planning and forecasting, systems analysis of complex organizations, and urban systems analysis.
                              Specialized Planning Laboratory URBDP 508 Studio/field project on a specialized planning problem. Several options are offered each year, such as regional-environmental planning, housing, metropolitan planning, and urban design.
                              St. Petersburg/Leningrad: City as History HSTEU 245 Introduction of political, social, and cultural history of St. Petersburg from 1703-1991. Uses St. Petersburg as a window to explore major themes in Imperial Russian and Soviet history, including westernization and questioning of Russia's national identity, urbanization, industrialization, revolution, multinational empire, World War II, Stalinism, and socialistic reformism.
                              Statistics for Urban Analysis T URB 225 Introduces basic methods of both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, and applies them to topics common to the field of urban planning and community development. Develops a critical perspective on how such methods relate to public discourse and urban policy-making.
                              Study Abroad: Comparative International Perspectives on Cities and the Environment T URB 380 Interdisciplinary approach to integrating urban and environmental issues in two or more world cities. Topics may include coastal development, transportation, parks, marine conservation, indigenous cultures, environmental planning, gentrification, urban governance, and watershed management.
                              Survey of Urban Planning URBDP 500 Concepts and logic of planning as a professional activity. Evolution of guiding ideas in relation to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions within the American political framework. Major procedures used by planners. Critical appraisal.
                              Sustainability and Design for Environment ENVIR 415 / CEE 495 / ME 415 Analysis and design of technology systems within the context of the environment, economy, and society. Applies the concepts of resource conservation, pollution prevention, life cycle assessment, and extended product responsibility. Examines the practice, opportunities, and role of engineering, management, and public policy.
                              Sustainability in Building Infrastructure CEE 429 Provides an overview of how to plan, design, construct, and manage high performance building infrastructures. Topics include integrated project delivery, green building rating systems, green building design codes and energy standards, measurement and verification of building performance, and retrofitting existing building through building energy audit.
                              Sustainability, Resilience, and Society ANTH 378 Introduction to concepts of sustainability and resilience and their relevance to environment and society in the current Anthropocene era. Understanding sustainability and resilience through ecological footprints, lessons from small-scale societies, case studies of resource management, theory of common property regimes, philosophies of environmental stewardship, and implications of climate change.
                              Sustainable Building Design and Construction Practices CM 340 Examines sustainable standards for design and construction of commercial and institutional buildings focusing on environmental, economic, and social benefits of sustainable buildings.
                              Sustainable Construction CM 335 Studies issues associated with planning and constructing sustainable projects including development of LEED documentation and evaluation of financial, social, and environmental impacts of construction operations.
                              Sustainable Food Systems for Population Health NUTR 514 Addresses the food system - including land use, production, distribution, marketing, consumption, and food and resource recovery - and how it affects environmental, social, economic, nutritional, and population health. Topics include agriculture, ecosystem integrity, economics, food security, access, equity, resilience, food justice, climate change, and sustainability.
                              Sustainable Transportation and the Environment URBDP 533 Investigates impacts of transportation on the natural and the built environment. Topics may include analysis of bicyclists' and pedestrians' exposure to air/noise pollution and mitigation options, policy incentives to accelerate vehicle electrification to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and successful model cases.
                              Sustainable Transportation from a Systems Perspective CET 564 Covers tools to evaluate and develop sustainable transportation systems. Emphasizes design approaches that support sustainable transportation, methods to evaluate the full life cycle impacts of transportation systems, and tools to assess transportation networks as resilient systems.
                              Sustainable Urban Development Policies T URB 323 Examines how public policy mechanisms are used to support and accomplish sustainability through the interweaving of social equity, economic prosperity, and environmental protection. Encourages the development of both critical and constructive perspectives on policies of sustainability.
                              Sustainable Urban Landscapes L ARCH 564 Introduces contemporary literature on urban sustainability and provides a forum for discussion about theories, applications, and practices towards the planning and design of sustainable and ecological urban environments.
                              Sustaining Pacific Northwest Ecosystems ESRM 201 Introduces the principles of ecology across an urban to wildland gradient and discusses how these landscapes can be sustainably managed. Explores basic ecological theories, plant communities, soil, climate, pollution, hydrology, and wildlife in classroom, labs, and field trips
                              Technology, Society, and the Future JSIS 535 Provides understanding of how technology is changing society. Enables students to articulate the risks and opportunities associated with rapid technological change. Students formulate and evaluate the motivations, agendas, and stakeholders shaping technological change, including corporations, civil liberties groups, advocacy groups, NGOs, donors, and government leaders.
                              The African American Urban Experience T URB 360 Places African Americans at the center of the American urban condition from the colonial era to the 21st century. Interdisciplinary study of U.S. urban history, contemporary social, cultural and policy research and comparative perspectives on race and ethnicity to illuminate the growth and evolution of African American urban communities.
                              The American West in History and Film HSTAA 413 Examines emergence of American West since 1840 by looking at colonization processes; Native-white relations; economic and demographic changes; environmental issues; urbanization; western politics and the role of the state. Historians' evolving interpretations of the western past are considered alongside those in film in order to appreciate why the West has loomed so large in 20th-century American culture and identity.
                              The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the United States CHSTU 101 Examines the Chicano/Mexican American experience, with a focus on past and contemporary issues of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status.
                              The City and Latin American Literature: Points of Departure SPAN 479 Representations of Latin American, United States, and European cities by Latin American authors, and of Latin American and Latino cities by authors from other literary traditions. The literary relation of urbanization to modernization, globalization, exile, and alienation.
                              The City and Nature T URB 440 Examines connections between urban and environmental conditions by investigating the social and material production of urban nature. Challenges conceptual barriers between nature and the city that have evolved over time and considers new strategies for achieving both environmental sustainability and social justice in the city.
                              The City and Nature T SUD 240 Examines connections between urban and environmental conditions by investigating the social and material production of urban nature. Challenges conceptual barriers between nature and the city that have evolved over time and considers new strategies for achieving both environmental sustainability and social justice in the city.
                              The City and Neighborhood Dynamics SOC 415 Focuses on a diverse set of topics including the changing social meaning of community, the effects of the urban setting on social interactions and attitudes, urban poverty, residential segregation, and the neighborhood dynamics of crime. Students have the opportunity to contribute directly to research- and policy-related projects.
                              The City in American Culture BIS 423 This course explores the contested terrain of urban landscapes in American culture by interpreting literature, film, and other cultural texts within their historical and geographical context. Uses methods and knowledge gained from introductory American Studies courses to focus on specific themes.
                              The City: People, Place, and Environments HSTAA 208 Surveys the history of cities in North America and around the globe from 1800 to the present. Considers economic and technological change; politics and government; city planning and landscaping design; migration and immigration, race, gender, and class; suburbanization; popular culture; and natural environments and natural disasters.
                              The Cultural Politics of Food GEOG 470 Explores ways our understanding of the concepts of "food" and "eating" are culturally and spatially constructed by societal structures, power relations, and media representations. Drawing from research in cultural geography and critical food studies, examines the connections between food, culture, the media, politics, and economics.
                              The Global Environment JSIS B 351 Explores the environment in international perspective emphasizing the social implications of living in an economically globalized and environmentally interconnected world. Examines these implications through examples of toxics and the human body, biodiversity conservation, climate change, disease, and environmental problems.
                              The Health of Populations GH 482 / HSERV 482 Explores what makes a population healthy or unhealthy. Examines why the United States is less healthy than all other rich countries, despite being one of the healthiest fifty years ago.
                              The History of Planning Theory and Practice T URB 321 An examination of planning theory and practice with an emphasis on twentieth-century theorists and advocates. Examines the impacts of planning theories and movements on planning practice and urban form in Europe and America.
                              The Human Experience of Place L ARCH 361 Interdisciplinary approaches to exploring the reciprocal relationship between people and the landscapes of everyday life. Through readings, discussion, in-class activities and mini-projects, students study place attachment, relationships to nature, environmental attitudes and perception, personal space, territoriality, urban public space, diversity, participation, and the politics of space.
                              The Indigenous Pacific Northwest AIS 103 / JSIS 100 Introduction to the cultures and governing structures of indigenous peoples of American Indian and First Nations tribal communities in the North, coastal British Columbia, and Pacific Northwest region as self-determining political actors in a contemporary multicultural and global region.
                              The New Inequality SOC 459 Examines "who gets what" in contemporary societies. Students will learn not only how income, wealth, housing, and health are unequally distributed, but how individuals or groups differ in access to "public goods" or the protection of legal rights and liberties. Examines some of the leading explanations for these inequalities, and applies these theories to specific social problems in the U.S. and around the world.
                              The Pacific Northwest GEOG 302 Settlement pattern in the Pacific Northwest, emphasizing economic and historical factors, including the location of resource-oriented industries, policies regarding the use of public lands, and bases of the development of major urban areas in the region.
                              The Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the United States POL S 317
                                Introduction to the history and development of racial hierarchy, focusing on how race and ethnicity shape political institutions (e.g., the Constitution, political parties, voting systems). Examination of political relationships between Whites, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans. Case studies of minority representation and the politics of welfare, crime, immigration, and terrorism.
                                The Urban Condition T URB 301 An overview of the city as a place of residence, commerce, and industry. Consideration is given to urban form and function. Social, economic, and political factors affecting urban life and development are discussed. Issues related to social justice and equity are emphasized.
                                The Urban Farm ENVIR 240 Develops students' understanding the ecological connections between food production, human health, and planetary sustainability. Teaches basic skills needed for food production in urban areas and the ethics behind sustainable urban agriculture, including a hands-on component on the farm at the biology greenhouse.
                                The Urban Form URBDP 405 / URBDP 505 Elements, patterns, and evolution of urban form. The forces that shaped cities in history. Contemporary trends. Methods of urban morphological analysis as related to urban design and planning practices. Required for MUP graduate students.
                                The Urban Underclass SOC 490 Examines underlying issues which have led to the emergence and perpetuation of an underclass within an affluent society. Explores some of the consequences for these people and for this society. Considers policies that might be used to address problems of the urban underclass.
                                The Westward Movement, 1700-1850 HSTAA 412 Anglo-American advance into interior continental United States culminating in Far West occupation. Rivalry with New France and Spain in colonial period; role of federal government in westward expansion; land policy and distribution; migration, settlement, and pioneering; federal Indian policies and implementation; political evolution, urbanization, and economic development of trans-Appalachian West; shaping national character and institutions.
                                Theories and Methodologies of Planning I URBDP 510 Survey of the philosophy, methods, and analytical techniques used in planning public actions and policies, with emphasis on the logic and assumptions upon which these are based. Various planning surveys and methods. Open to graduate students in urban design and planning and to graduate students seeking the urban design certificate.
                                Third-World Cities TCSIIN 342 Studies growth of selected Third World cities and the spatial, ethnic and class divisions within them. Introduces their historical legacy, previous ties to colonial rules, and pressures to remain centers of capitalist production. Examines urban "bias" and subsequent concentration of economic, political, and cultural power in terms of political and survival struggles.
                                Tools for Sustainable Cities CEP 470 / URBDP 502 Examines specific tools used for planning sustainable cities, including hands-on learning, speakers, case studies, and site tours to enrich students' knowledge and experience.
                                Tools for Sustainable Cities URBDP 502 Examines specific tools used for planning sustainable cities, including hands-on learning, speakers, case studies, and site tours to enrich students' knowledge and experience.
                                Topics and Methods in Sociolinguistic Theory LING 533 Examines field methods linguists use in socially oriented studies of language variation and change. Includes language attitudes, study of urban dialects, syntactic variation, sampling and interview design. Discussion of issues related to recording, ethics, and analysis of large bodies of data.
                                Topics in Planting Design II L ARCH 324 Explores planting design topics that relate specifically to site, program, and design issues addressed in concurrent studio projects. Utilizes trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants as space forms in urban contexts. Utilizes plant characteristics of color, texture, and form in studio project design. Considers design principles of unity/diversity, complexity/simplicity, and pattern in studio project design.
                                Topics in Urban Affairs PUBPOL 565 Examines various topics of public importance in urban policy. Integrates the political, managerial, economic, and technical dimensions of these issues.
                                Transit Systems Planning CEE 589 Planning, operational methods for urban public transportation. Review of technological, operating characteristics of vehicles and systems; financing, management, institutional aspects. Paratransit. Short-range planning, operational strategies, revenue-fare structures. Service monitoring. Mode choice, transit demand relating to service. Computer-aided methods for planning, design of transit systems.
                                Transit Systems Planning CET 589 Planning, operational methods for urban public transportation. Review of technological, operating characteristics of vehicles and systems; financing, management, institutional aspects. Paratransit. Short-range planning, operational strategies, revenue-fare structures. Service monitoring. Mode choice, transit demand relating to service. Computer-aided methods for planning, design of transit systems.
                                Transportation Choices and Technology CET 563 Explores the range of sustainable transportation choices for both people and goods. Studies passenger modes of transportation including bicycles, single-occupancy vehicles, care and van pools, shared autos, bus, rail, ferries, trolleys, and foot travel in the context of sustainability.
                                Transportation Energy and Sustainability CET 583 Addresses technical and policy options for making transportation more sustainable, considering economic, environmental, and equity impacts. Topics include transportation demand management; vehicle technologies; alternative fuels; dynamics of technology change; and roles of state, federal, and international policy. Prepares students to think broadly, analyze systematically, and communicate effectively in this area.
                                Transportation Engineering CEE 327 Studies vehicular transportation fundamentals including vehicle dynamics, geometric design, pavement design, traffic flow concepts, level of service analysis, intelligent transportation systems, travel demand prediction methods, freight logistics, and management of transportation systems. Includes a review of relevant vehicle operating characteristics.
                                Transportation Logistics CET 587 Physical and information flows in supply chains. Economic drivers of supply chain choices as well as applications of technology, policy, and infrastructure to improve freight transportation systems. Focus on fundamental supply chain transportation and logistics concepts that can be mathematically demonstrated, and that underpin more complex analyses or tools used.
                                Travel Demand Forecasting CEE 581 Application of mathematical models to forecast urban travel behavior. Introduces emerging methods, land use models, travel demand models, including trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and network assignment. Discusses validation and ethics.
                                Travel Demand Forecasting CET 581 Application of mathematical models to forecast urban travel behavior. Introduces emerging methods, land use models, travel demand models, including trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and network assignment. Discusses validation and ethics.
                                Trends in International Migration JSIS 537 Explores the causes, mechanisms, and consequences of contemporary global population movements, with a focus on migration to the United States and Europe from the top sending world regions. Topics include the relationship of persecution, conflict, and poor economic prospects to migration; the extent to which state policies can control migration.
                                Twentieth-Century Architecture ART H 491 / ARCH 457 Architecture in the twentieth century, mainly in Europe and the United States. Traces roots of Modernism in Europe in the 1920s, its demise (largely in the United States) in the 1960s, and recent trends such as Post-Modernism and Deconstructivism.
                                U.S. Latino Politics CHSTU 359 / POL S 359 Examines historical and current political incorporation of Latinos in the United States. Topics include Latino voting and voter mobilization, office seeking and representation, Latino public opinion, and public policy formation on "Latino issues."
                                Understanding and Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change ENVH 418 / GH 418 The health risks of climate change are multiple and range across the public health space. Addresses current and projected health risks of climate change and the policies and measures to manage these risks as the climate continues to change.
                                Understanding Metropolitan Regions T URB 432 Explores patterns and policy problems associated with managing large U.S. metropolitan regions, especially shifting city-suburb relationships and major development challenges. Includes discussion of demographic change, socioeconomic trends, public policies, and political programs link cities and suburbs at multiple scales of governance.
                                Undocumented Immigrant Communities AES 442 Sociological examination of the concepts of undocumented, citizen, and the structuring of (il)legality as they are situated in axes of power, specifically in racialized and gendered contexts. Topics include identity formation and experiences across communities, i.e., UndocuLatino, UndocuBlack, UndocuAsian and Pacific Islander, and UndocuQueer. Institutional outcomes in migration, law, labor, education, carceral spaces, and health. Recommended: AES 150; AES 151; AES 322; AES 461; and AES 462. Fluency with discourses in race, ethnicity, and gender as well as a basic familiarity in studies of transnational migrations, inequality and globalization.
                                Unions, Labor, and Civil Rights in California and Pacific Northwest Agriculture CHSTU 354 Comparative study of Southwest and Pacific Northwest farm workers against the social movement of the 1960s, its significance in the socio-political development of the Chicano civil rights movement, and its legacy. Uses historical and social science research methods along with analytical criticism to examine the period of social history.
                                United States Food Systems Policy NUTR 412/512 Offers a broad introduction to food and nutrition policies in the United States and their impacts on population health. Real-world controversies and debates used to illustrate policy principles, research tools, and policy analysis. Includes topics on public health nutrition, food policy related to population health, and food security.
                                Urban and Preservation Issues in Design ARCH 590 Introduction to recent theory and practice in the fields of urban design and historic preservation primarily in North American urban contexts, including examples of recent projects presented by practicing professionals.
                                Urban And Regional Economics T URB 324 Uses economic frameworks to introduce the determinants of regional economic growth or decline, location of economic activities within urban areas, operation of urban labor markets, and implications of income inequality on urban form and urban growth. Students gain familiarity with major sources of subnational economic and demographic data.
                                Urban and Regional Geospatial Analysis URBDP 422 Principles of GIS applied to problems in urban design and planning, landscape architecture, and environmental and resource studies. Practical problem-solving approaches using contemporary desktop mapping packages and vector and raster GIS systems. Siting, environmental evaluation and inventories, and modeling. Prerequisite: either GEOG 317, GEOG 360, GEOG 461, GEOG 462, GEOG 465, FISH 452, or OCEAN 452.
                                Urban Change and Development T URB 201 / 401 Examines relationships that shape the development of cities under conditions of globalization. Overview of key terms and concepts, examples of changing urban social and economic conditions, and analysis of connections among global processes, urban experiences, and the production of urban space in the United States.
                                Urban Community SOC 365 Comparative and analytic study of organization and activities of urban groups.
                                Urban Design Theory ARCH 561 Study of development of nineteenth- and twentieth-century urban design theories and parallel developments in architecture and urban planning. Theoretical premises are related to current practices of urban design in various sociopolitical contexts, European as well as American. Evolutionary nature of theory emphasized
                                Urban Ecology T URB 445 / T SUD 445 Multidisciplinary approach to the study of dynamic interactions among human and ecological systems in urban settings. Covers processes of urbanization and urbanization's impacts on the earth's ecology. Specific themes include how socioeconomic factors and human preferences drive urban patterns and how these patterns affect ecological processes and cause ecological change.
                                Urban Ecology T SUD 445 Multidisciplinary approach to the study of dynamic interactions among human and ecological systems in urban settings. Covers processes of urbanization and urbanization's impacts on the earth's ecology. Specific themes include how socioeconomic factors and human preferences drive urban patterns and how these patterns affect ecological processes and cause ecological change.
                                Urban Economics and Public Policy URBDP 561 / PUBPOL 561 Examines the rationale for and consequences of public intervention in urban land, housing, and transportation markets through land use regulations such as zoning and growth management, infrastructure investments, and fiscal policies to manage urban development and traffic. Prerequisite: successful completion of an introductory microeconomics course or permission of the instructor.
                                Urban Economics and Public Policy PUBPOL 561
                                  Examines the rationale for and consequences of public intervention in urban land, housing, and transportation markets through land use regulations such as zoning and growth management, infrastructure investments, and fiscal policies to manage urban development and traffic.
                                  Urban Field Experience T URB 379 Urban field course based in a metropolitan area. Examines urban problems, issues, and developments through site visits, presentations by local experts, and student research and reports.
                                  Urban Forest Landscapes ESRM 471 Comprehensive view of urban forest and urban forest landscapes. Includes close examination of factors that differentiate urban forest landscapes along the urban to wildland gradient. Compare legal, social, political, administrative, physical, and biological variations.
                                  Urban Geographic Information Systems GEOG 461 / 561 Use of geographic information systems to investigate urban/regional issues; focus on transportation, land-use and environmental issues; all urban change problems considered. GIS data processing strategies. Problem definition for GIS processing. Data collection, geo-coding issues. Data structuring strategies.
                                  Urban Geography T GEOG 321 Examines the spatial organization of cities in relation to the economic, social, cultural, and political forces that shape them. Includes such topics as the evolution of cities, perceptions of urban space, gentrification, race and housing, homelessness, social exclusion, urban redevelopment, suburbanization, and planning. Emphasizes U.S. cities.
                                  Urban Governance T URB 345 Examines the structure and workings of urban government and non-governmental agencies and organizations. Considers the responsibilities and challenges of governmental and non-governmental organizations along with their impact on the physical and social development of the city.
                                  Urban Health Methodologies: Ethnography of the Invisible in search of New Urban Commons ANTH 405 Conduct urban anthropology field-research and examine paths for human liberation while exploring connections between contemporary urban anthropology theoretical perspectives, critical medical anthropology, and new and emerging social possibilities for new urban commons. Emphasis placed on ethnographic methods, introduced through field exercises that require the application of one or more techniques.
                                  Urban History, Ethics, Form, and Theory I URBDP 527 Introduces how urban form is shaped by economic, political, social, and technological forces. Focuses on different historical periods, starting with the native city/pre-colonial city. Students learn about formation and transformation of urban environments, and theoretical underpinnings and ethics related to those transformations. Includes experiences of non-elite groups.
                                  Urban History, Ethics, Form, and Theory II URBDP 528 Introduces how cities are shaped by economic, political, social and technological forces. Focuses on historical periods, including the colonial, industrial, and post-industrial and global cities. Students learn about formation and transformation of urban environments, and theoretical underpinnings and ethics related to those transformations. Includes experiences of non-elite groups.
                                  Urban Horticulture Seminar SEFS 549 Discussion by invited speakers on current topics in urban horticulture
                                  Urban Issues in the Developing World T URB 460 Examines challenges associated with urban development and societal change in developing countries. Examines topics such as mega cities, squatter housing, and informal labor. Adopts a geographical perspective and focuses on local governance issues.
                                  Urban Land Economics R E 553, URBDP 553 Introduces urban economics, land markets, and locational decision making; and examines urban spatial structure and the economic, political, social, technological, and historical forces that shape land values and uses. Uses applied spatial analytical tools including geographic information systems and geodemographic software.
                                  Urban Land Economics URBDP 553 / R E 553 Introduces urban economics, land markets, and locational decision making; and examines urban spatial structure and the economic, political, social, technological, and historical forces that shape land values and uses. Uses applied spatial analytical tools including geographic information systems and geodemographic software.
                                  Urban Planning and Geography BIS 406 Examines historical and modern conceptualizations of "'urban"', covering topics such as urban systems, urban forms, urban ecologies, urban planning, and urbanism. Investigates the integration of built forms; human interactions; and the environmental, social, political, and economic aspects of urban places.
                                  Urban Planning Uses of Remote Sensing URBDP 467 Using aerial photographs and satellite image data in urban planning. Urban change analysis, land-use and land cover classification, and environmental planning applications. Scale and resolution considerations. Development of proficiency through laboratory exercises and use of image-processing software.
                                  Urban Plant Protection ESRM 451 Working knowledge on insects and diseases of plants growing in the urban environment. Emphasis placed on pest and damage recognition, control methods, and integrated pest management systems.
                                  Urban Political Geography GEOG 377 Examines how the spatial structure of cities and towns affects and is affected by political processes. Considers both traditional and newer forms of politics, as global and local issues. Special attention paid to where politics take place within local contexts across state, civil society, home, and the body.
                                  Urban Political Geography: Research Seminar GEOG 573 Covers both classic and contemporary theoretical debates and research on the relation between power, place, and the local scale. Considers both conventional sites (e.g., the local state) as well as new forms and locations of city politics (e.g., sexuality and the body).
                                  Urban Politics and Policy BIS 419 Examines the historical, economic and ideological foundations for urban governance within the American political system. Compares and contrasts urban politics and public policy implementation in selected U.S. cities and regions. Special emphasis on policy issues affecting political and economic development and the distribution of political power and social benefits.
                                  Urban Politics and Policy in the United States POL S 381 Introduces actors, institutions, processes, and policies of substate governments in the United States. Provides and intensive comparative examination of historical and contemporary politics and policy-making. Promotes understanding of city government and its role within the larger context of state and national governments.
                                  Urban Problems and Policies TSMUS 417 Develops and applies economic analyses to an understanding of the dynamics and underlying structure of urban economies and urban problems. Draws examples from the local economy and local problems.
                                  Urban Problems and Policies TECON 418 Develops and applies economic analyses to an understanding of the dynamics and underlying structure of urban economies and urban problems. Draws examples from the local economy and local problems.
                                  Urban Recreational Design L ARCH 463 Special recreational studies in metropolitan, urban, and neighborhood areas; the design, policies, and behavioral studies of existing parks, playgrounds, public places, and commercial areas. Design projects dealing with the play environment for all ages. Open to nonmajors.
                                  Urban Sites Studio L ARCH 402 Explores application of design ideas and principles to urban sites. Applies theory and research informing the design of human environments and lessons from urban and ecological design precedents to the design of urban places. Includes design across scales to detailed site design studies, including planting design. Majors only.
                                  Urban Social Change T URB 340 Examines issues that directly affect the strength and vulnerabilities of urban communities and organizations and institution within those communities. Uses case studies to consider how creative participatory approaches can and do influence change.
                                  Urban Society and Culture T URB 210 An examination of the social structures of cities. Discusses issues related to class, race, ethnicity, and gender. Considers the impact of societal differences on urban form, residential patterns, and labor markets.
                                  Urban Soils and Hydrology L ARCH 434 Develops basic understanding and skills related to soil properties and their specification for use in horticulture and hydrological performance, and knowledge and skills needed by landscape architects to implement design solutions that manipulate urban hydrological conditions.
                                  Urban Studies Seminar T URB 492 Interdisciplinary approach to the study of urban issues and problems. Designed for an in-depth analysis of selected issues. Focuses on one aspect of the city (e.g., gentrification, housing, segregation, sprawl).
                                  Urban Transportation Planning and Design CEE 416 Brief review of major issues in urban transportation planning. Planning process discussed and transportation models introduced. Uses a systems framework, including goals and objectives, evaluation, implementation, and monitoring. A design term project, individual or small groups, utilizes material presented on a contemporary problem.
                                  Urban Transportation: Problems and Prospects T URB 325 Provides an overview of urban transportation, it challenges and prospects. Examines historical and contemporary issues such as the relationship of mobility to the urban form, environmental concerns, climate change impacts, and the challenges of sustainable urban transportation.
                                  Urbanism and Urbanization SOC 430/530 Human population distribution and migration patterns. Causes and consequences of world urbanization. Spatial and social patterns in the metropolis. Aggregate population movements and selectivity of migrants.
                                  US Environmental History: Ecology, Culture, Justice ENVIR 221 Covers the intertwined history of the environment and American society, focusing on issues of inequality and justice. Topics include colonialism, capitalist expansion, chemical and nuclear industrialism, the environmental inequalities of cities and suburbs, environmental movements, and environmental justice.
                                  Visualizing Seattle GEOG 450
                                    Explores more-than-Cartesian ways of representing human spatial experiences of flow, time, emotions, etc., in Seattle. Includes unique
                                    Water, Wastewater, and Health ENVH 440 Review of water supply, water quality, and water/wastewater treatment as they relate to human health. Includes water law and regulations, source water protection, basic treatment technologies for water and waste, chemical and microbial contaminants, and recreational water.
                                    West Coast Poverty Center Seminar Series SOC WL 556 Presents cutting-edge research on poverty, inequality, and public policy.
                                    Wildland Fire Management ESRM 420 Principles of wildland fire behavior, ecology, and management. Weather, fuels, and topography effects on fire behavior. Forest structure influence on historical and current fire ecology. Principles of firesafe forests. Management issues of fire control and use in wilderness, multiple-use forest, and the wildland-urban interface.
                                    Women and Activism in the U.S., 1820-1990s GWSS 385 Analyzes how U.S. social reform movements between the 1820s and the 1990s shaped discourses of gender, race, class, nation, and citizenship. Social movements include temperance, anti-prostitution, prison reform, dress reform, reproductive rights, eugenics, suffrage/anti-suffrage, abolitionism, labor, the "mothers' movement," civil rights, QBLTQ movement and dis/abilities, and evangelicalism.
                                    Women and International Economic Development GWSS 345 / ANTH 345 / JSIS B 345 Questions how women are affected by economic development in Third World and celebrates redefinitions of what development means. Introduces theoretical perspectives and methods to interrogate gender and development policies. Assesses current processes of globalization and potential for changing gender and economic inequalities.
                                    Women and the City GEOG 476 / GWSS 476 Explores the reciprocal relations between gender relations, the layout of cities, and the activities of urban residents. Topics include: feminist theory and geography (women, gender, and the organization of space); women and urban poverty, housing and homelessness; gender roles and labor patterns; geographies of childcare; and women and urban politics.
                                    Working Latinas and Latinos: Changing Sites of Identity in Daily Life CHSTU 342 Sociological examination of Latina/o working lives. Focuses on inequalities and power relations that shape diverse socio-economic working experiences and social change across distinct Latino communities. Covers race and gender consciousness, informal/formal work, labor recruitment, changing contexts of home and family, youth and children's work, entrepreneurship, organizing, and immigration and labor legislation.
                                    World Cities JSIS B 365 Factors that have propelled New York, London, and Tokyo into key positions in the organization of the late twentieth century international system. Asks historical and comparative questions and discusses the reasons behind the diminished position of cities such as Venice, Vienna, and Istanbul in that system.