Published on July 11, 2018

Seattle is booming and transportation needs to keep up. Smart cities across the US are exploring new ways to use technology and innovation to combat traffic congestion and create thriving communities with equitable access to transportation. Last fall, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) announced their New Mobility Playbook: Invitation to Innovators, a call for disruptive ideas from people who encounter Seattle traffic daily. As many Seattleites can attest to, the mobility mix is changing fast. From Uber to Waze to LimeBike, a variety of service providers are seizing the opportunity to meet transportation challenges with mobility products and shared service platforms. Thus, the city needs a way to pilot, test and accelerate the most promising solutions on Seattle streets.
In a partnership with the Mobility Innovation Center at UW CoMotion, SDOT commissioned a study of six US cities that have been experimenting with innovative approaches to transportation management. The research group was led by Dr. Benjamin Brunjes from the University of Washington Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. The resulting report, called “Innovation Frameworks for Smart Cities,” reveals how these leading cities have solicited new ideas, built outcome- and equity-oriented programs, and enacted change with limited public resources.
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