Published on March 8, 2017

In honor of International Women’s Day, we are highlighting just some of UW’s brilliant female professors, scholars, and and change-makers with whom Urban@UW is proud to collaborate. Click on their names to explore their work.
Thaisa Way, Executive Director, Urban@UW; Department of Landscape Architecture
Executive Committee:
Margaret O’Mara, Department of History
Susan P. Kemp, School of Social Work
Steering Committee:
Marina Alberti, Department of Urban Design and Planning
Sally Clark, Director of Regional and Community Relations
Sara Curran, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Kim England, Department of Geography
Alexes Harris, School of Sociology
Anne Taufen Wessells, Department of Urban Studies
UW Leadership:
Mary Lidstrom, Vice Provost of Research
Ana Mari Cauce, President
Staff and Student Assistants:
Shahd Al Baz, Jackson School of International Studies
Avanti Chande, the Information School
Jen Davison, Urban@UW
Jess Hamilton, Department of Landscape Architecture
Collaborators, Thought Partnerse and Co-Conspirators:
Rachel Berney, Department of Urban Design and Planning
Erin Blakeney, School of Nursing
Ann Bostrom, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Sara Breslow, Center for Creative Conservation
Heather Burpee, Department of Architecture
Anat Caspi, Computer Science and Engineering
Seema Clifasefi, School of Medicine
Susan E. Collins, School of Medicine
Kristie L. Ebi, Center for Health and the Global Environment
Kelly Edwards, Graduate School
Sarah Elwood, Department of Geography
Josephine Ensign, School of Nursing
Claudia Frere-Anderson, UW Sustainability
Rachel Fyall, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Lisa Graumlich, College of the Environment
Amy Hagopian, School of Public Health
Shannon Harper, West Coast Poverty Center
Judith A. Howard, School of Sociology
Janine Jones, College of Education
Lisa Kelly, School of Law
Victoria Lawson, Department of Geography
Hedwig E. Lee, School of Sociology
Lynne Manzo, Department of Landscape Architecture
Linda Nash, Department of History
Paula Nurius, School of Social Work
Jennifer Otten, School of Public Health
Michaela Parker, eScience Institute
Gundula Proksch, Department of Architecture
Jennifer Romich, West Coast Poverty Center
Aiko Schaefer, School of Social Work
Amy Snover, Climate Impacts Group
Sarah Stone, eScience Institute
LuAnne Thompson, School of Oceanography
Edwina Uehara, School of Social Work
Rachel Vaughn, Carlson Leadership and Public Service Center
Jan Whittington, Department of Urban Design and Planning
Kathleen Woodward, Simpson Center for the Humanities