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Environmental Protection Agency Delays New Ozone Pollution Standards Until After the 2024 Election

Published on September 15, 2023

City skyline with smog-filled skies
Image Credit: Ben Amstutz | Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

The Environmental Protection Agency is delaying plans to tighten air quality standards for ground-level ozone — better known as smog — despite a recommendation by a scientific advisory panel to lower air pollution limits to protect public health.

The decision by EPA Administrator Michael Regan means that one of the agency’s most important air quality regulations will not be updated until well after the 2024 presidential election.

Lianne Sheppard, a University of Washington biostatistics professor [in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences]  who chairs the [EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee] scientific advisory panel, said Regan’s decision was “his alone” to make.

“However, I am disappointed, given the robust scientific evidence that ozone is harmful to public health and welfare,” she told E&E News last month.

Continue reading at AP News.

Original story by Matthew Daly for AP News.
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