Published on March 23, 2020

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced today that starting this afternoon the Seattle Department of Transportation is converting on-street parking spaces near restaurants to temporary loading zones to facilitate curbside meal pickup.The first locations to receive temporary loading zones are areas with high concentrations of restaurants on blocks that do not otherwise have enough loading options. After an analysis of available data, the Seattle Department of Transportation selected the initial placement locations based on areas that have seen a reduction in paid parking traffic over the last several weeks.
“We are looking for ways to do our part to keep businesses operating in this public health emergency,” said Sam Zimbabwe, Director of the Seattle Department of Transportation. “Being flexible with our curbspace and making it easier for people to access our restaurants is one way we can help.”
The Seattle Department of Transportation will identify additional locations to place curbside pickup signs in coordination with organizations like the Office of Economic Development, the Seattle Restaurant Alliance and the Greater Seattle Business Association. Restaurants can request a loading zone near their establishment by calling (206) 684-ROAD. “We need to do everything we can to support small businesses, which includes making it easier for everyone who can afford to get take-out meals from their local restaurants and cafes,” said Councilmember Alex Pedersen who chairs the City’s Transportation & Utilities Committee.
Continue reading at City of Seattle.
Originally written by Anthony Derrick for the City of Seattle.