UW Leadership
External Advisory Board
UW Leadership
Our Director and Steering Committee lead strategic planning and operations.
Director, Urban@UW
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning
Professor, and Associate Chair for Education at the Department Electrical & Computer Engineering; Principal Research Scientist, UW Applied Physics Laboratory; Director, ECE's Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program (ENGINE); researcher with the Mobility Innovation Center.
Associate Professor, Culture, Arts and Communication, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences; Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Urban Studies. UW-Tacoma. Faculty lead for the Urban Environmental Justice Initiative at Urban@UW.
Associate professor and co-director of the Harm Reduction Research and Treatment (HaRRT) Center in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington-Harborview Medical Center; Adjunct Faculty, School of Social Work; Director, Doorway Project, Homelessness Research Initiative
Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance; Research Associate, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, Faculty Chair, Homelessness Research Initiative
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture.
The Urban@UW staffing team supports our projects and operations.
Project Director, Community Engagement, Executive Office of the President and Provost; Co-Director, Urban@UW Research to Action Collaboratory
External Advisory Board
Our External Advisory Board provides thought partnership around mission, strategies, relationship-building and sustainability.
Urban@UW Fellows are actively involved in projects in collaboration with or supported by Urban@UW.
Associate Dean for Research & Engagement, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
Daniel J. Evans Endowed Professor of Social Policy
Co-founder, Urban@UW
Associate Professor, Runstad Department of Real Estate
Faculty Co-lead, Homelessness Research Initiative
Research Engineer, Urban Freight Lab, Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics Center
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Human Centered Design and Engineering
Senior UX researcher, Smartsheet
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Founding director, Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics Center
Adjunct Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Associate Chair for External Engagement, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor of Environmental and Forest Science, College of the Environment, University of Washington
Professor Emeritus, Health Systems and Population Health; Global Health
Associate Professor, Information School
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Adjunct Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Co-founder, Urban@UW
Co-Founding Director, Center for Responsible AI Systems and Experiences
Director, Urbanalytics Lab
Founding Program Director and Faculty Chair, UW Data Science Masters Degree
Founding Associate Director and Senior Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture
Adjunct Associate Professor in Architecture
Faculty, Urban Design Certificate Program, College of Built Environments.
Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology
Adjunct Professor, Global Health
Assistant teaching professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Professor, Electical and Computer Engineering
Founding director of the Network Security Lab
Founding member and associate director of research for the UW's Center for Excellence in Information Assurance Research and Education.
Associate Professor, Human Centered Design and Engineering
Co-director of HCDE's Tactile and Tactical Design Lab (TAT Lab).
John C. Garcia Professor and Assistant Professor of Climate Adaptation in the School of Environmental & Forest Sciences. He is also an Affiliate with the UW Center for Studies in Demography in Ecology, Center for Environmental Politics, and Clean Energy Institute
Urban@UW Affiliates share our goals of collaboration to address urban challenges, and consistently engage with Urban@UW.
Associate Professor and Bob Filley Endowed Chair in the Runstad Department of Real Estate, College of Built Environments
Marsha and Jay Glazer Endowed University Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, Department of Urban Design and Planning; Director of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Design and Planning and the Urban Ecology Research Laboratory.
Assistant Professor, Geography; Affiliate, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Statistics; Senior Data Science Fellow, eScience Institute; Training Core PI/Director, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology’s
Affiliate Professor, Global Health; Affiliate Professor, Medicine - Allergy and Infectious Disease; Vice President, HIV Franchise Head, Gilead Sciences
Associate Professor, Epidemiology; Associate Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing;
Associate Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
Lane Powell and D. Wayne Gittinger Professor, School of Law; joint appointment, Information School; founding Co-Director, Tech Policy Lab; Co-Founder, Center for an Informed Public.
Professor of International Studies; Professor of Sociology; Professor of Public Policy & Governance; Adjunct Professor of Global Health; affiliate faculty of the Center for Global Studies; the Southeast Asian Center; the Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA),;and EarthLab.
Professor, Department of Geography; faculty affiliate, West Coast Poverty Center, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, and Certificate in Public Scholarship; Co-Directs the Relational Poverty Network (RPN)
Professor, Department of Geography; Harry Bridges Endowed Chair in Labor Studies Emerita; Adjunct Professor, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies; Affiliate, Canadian Studies Center (Jackson School of International Studies) and West Coast Poverty Center; Co-Founder, Urban@UW.
Professor, School of Nursing; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Certificate Program in Public Scholarship
Associate Professor, Department of Asian Languages & Literature; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, Cinema & Media
Presidential Term Professor, Department of Communication; Associate Dean, Equity & Justice in Graduate Programs; Adjunct Associate Professor, American Ethnic Studies and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; Director, Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity (CCDE); Co-Founder, WIRED (Women Investigating Race, Ethnicity, and Difference)
Professor, Landscape Architecture; Affiliate Faculty, PhD Program in the Built Environment and the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Urban Design and Planning; Adjunct Professor in the UW School of Social Work.
Director, Leadership in Higher Education; Faculty Director, Brotherhood Initiative; Associate Professor, College of Education
Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; Food systems director, UW Nutritional Sciences Program; Undergraduate Program Director, Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health; Adjunct Associate Professor, Health Systems and Population Health; Faculty Researcher, Center for Public Health Nutrition; Co-Director, Livable City Year
Associate Professor, Architecture; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture; Founding Director Circular City + Living Systems Lab
Associate Professor, Sociology; affiliate faculty, Urban@UW and the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies.
Professor, Department of Marketing and International Business; Marion B. Ingersoll Professor in Foster School of Business, Founding Director of The Product Management Center
Executive Director, Center for Leadership and Social Resposibility, Milgard School of Business, University of Washington Tacoma
Associate Professor and holder of the Robert F. Philip Endowed Professorship, Runstad Department of Real Estate